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  1. T

    22 Mag vs 17 HMR....does anyone choose a 22 Mag anymore?

    Understand your point and I`m certainly not intending to pass judgement on anyone who might shoot a coyote with a 17 HMR. No, I`ve never shot a coyote at any range with a 17 HMR. If I`m going coyote/predator hunting, I won`t be carrying one in the first place. For me, that`s what my .223 is for...
  2. T

    17 HMR vs 223 as a trainer

    LOL! At 200 yards, I didn`t say anything about " consistency " ( some days that`s more loosely defined than other days! ). Seriously, once the scope is dialed in, 4" is pretty doable. 2", you need to be doing everything right!
  3. T

    22 Mag vs 17 HMR....does anyone choose a 22 Mag anymore?

    I`ve been impressed with my 17HMR`s accuracy out to 200 yards. A lot of fun at the range! Having said that, I personally wouldn`t shoot anything alive at ranges over about 125 yards., and I wouldn`t shoot anything like a coyote or bobcat sized animal at ANY range with a 17HMR. Just have a...
  4. T

    17 HMR vs 223 as a trainer

    This is getting to be an older thread, but I`ve started shooting my 17HMR ( Savage 93R17) A LOT because it`s just so much fun! Shooting at 4" and 2" gongs at 200 yards is a challenge, at least for me, particularly the 2" er! My new challenge will be a 6" gong at 300 yards.
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    Grizz encounter near Wolf Creek, MT

    So the sow and cubs survived after all that? Wow! Obviously didn`t hit anything vital. Those slugs are probably walled off.
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    Grizz encounter near Wolf Creek, MT

    I got to say, hunting in grizzly country, especially when sows have cubs in tow, takes more quinones than I`ve ever possessed! Just my own opinion, but that strikes me as plain dangerous. Ain`t nothing out there I`ve ever wanted to shoot that bad! And to do it with just a bow and arrow and...
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    Grizz encounter near Wolf Creek, MT

    Legal.....not legal....? What`s the saying ? " Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6 " ? Of course, in the case of a grizzly attack, how many does it take to carry a garbage bag?
  8. T

    Blazing Saddles

    " Food makes me sick. " " Man drink like that, and he don`t eat, he gone die! " " When? " Great movie!
  9. T

    New Turkey Gun.......gimme your thoughts

    The first time I shot my turkey gun, a 12 gauge Remington 870 Special Purpose with 21" barrel, 3" #6 Hevi-Shot, I thought every filling in my head was going to fall out and I just knew I had a concussion! My buddy laughed at me because of the expression on my face! I`m convinced it precipitated...
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    What to do with my old savage axis .30-06

    Glad to see selling is not an option. Too much history. I tend to be a bit sentimental concerning some guns.
  11. T

    New Turkey Gun.......gimme your thoughts

    If I had more turkey seasons than I probably do, I`d transition to this ( 20 gauge, TSS loads ). I WOULD NOT be transitioning to TSS so I could snipe turkeys at 70 yards, however, because for me that takes out about 90% of what turkey hunting is all about. If I can`t get him inside of 40 yards...
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    Turkey Blinds

    I can see them for bows, gun hunting, have never seen the need. Just natural.
  13. T

    First timers first spook / encounter story

    It`s really something, isn`t it? Working the bird, playing the game. Using a little woodsmanship at times. Nothing quite like it. Can`t understand those that want to snipe a turkey at 60 yards. Then again, I`m older, not the meat hunter I was years ago, and pulling a trigger doesn`t quite mean...
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    Kill your dog and your political career at the same time

    They could, but that takes more effort.
  15. T

    Kill your dog and your political career at the same time

    Sure do. Wife and I volunteer with a local rescue and foster dogs for adoption. I agree, there`s far too many dogs and cats that need homes ( primarily our fault as irresponsible owners ). Doesn`t mean you can`t at least try to find a home before killing them off hand.
  16. T

    Kill your dog and your political career at the same time

    Are there " bad " dogs genetically? Sure. Having said that, I`d hazard a guess that 80-90% of the cause of " problem " dogs can be traced back to crappy owners who didn`t deserve to own a dog in the first place. JMHO.
  17. T

    Kill your dog and your political career at the same time

    I think it was Mark Twain who said, " I like all dogs more than I do most people. " ? Some of the posts in this thread tend to make me agree. I feel sorry for people who look at a dog as only a tool. They`re missing something that`s hard to put into words. I`ve personally believed for a long...
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    Kill your dog and your political career at the same time

    Ever thought about trying to find some homes for those dogs instead of killing them?
  19. T

    The states ranked on gun ownership-

    Don`t really know how accurate the list is, but whatever, Colorado is trying its damndest to move up in the unfriendly ranks.
  20. T

    Solids for turkey

    That may be so, but my recollection is that my last pair of camo hunting pants were for something like $10 on Ebay. No matter, one should wear what you like. The turkeys won`t care!