Recent content by VernAK

  1. VernAK

    Go look at the northern lights

    If we could get only Elon Musk to harness the energy in the aurora.......
  2. VernAK

    best tent recommendation with a wood stove

    I'm hunting just west of you for moose and caribou. I've used a Kifaru 12 man for 20 years and have recently replaced with a Seek Outside 12 man as it handles wind better. I also have a Kifaru Sawtooth. It's smaller but faster to erect. Collapsible stoves didn't work for me as hey leak too much...
  3. VernAK

    Tacoma 100,000miles

    If you check your manual, you'll see that you're long overdue for fluid changes......all of em. Timing chain and water pump to be considered.
  4. VernAK

    Woman’s shotguns

    When I taught women shotgun classes I struggled finding a fit for many women. First, as willtim says, determine eye dominance. I found far more cross eye dominance in women than in men. Then I ask them to cheek the gun with head slightly forward and upright. If the shotgun fits, the butt...
  5. VernAK

    2024 AK Moose Prep

    NAPA auto parts hollow weave car polishing roll does 2/3 rds of a big bull double strength.....cut off 6' and pull it over it off and throw it away when done.......been using it for 40 years.
  6. VernAK

    WTS WTS: Stan Baker Big Bore Barrel 12 ga.

    WTS: Stan Baker Big Bore Barrel for 11-87, 12 ga, .800 bore, all chokes to .070 constriction. $500 TYD This is a real stretch for this forum but there might be a trap shooter out there.
  7. VernAK

    Delta junction Alaska

    Take a look at Google Earth and you'll see the valley is heavily timbered on the valley floor along the Tanana River. The timber quickly thins as you go up the Gerstle or Johnson Rivers. Most of the DCUA [delta controlled use area] is open mountainous country. Should you get up this way, I live...
  8. VernAK

    75 years old - First time Brooks Range

    Caribou are wanderers and constantly moving/migrating. I've never been able to follow caribou and catch up to them. If you see a bunch moving through, the next bunch will most often follow the same there!
  9. VernAK

    AK Moose 2024

    I've hunted Alaska moose for a half century but I am not a bow hunter. John Havard on this site is a very successful long bow hunter and a great guy that you may want to chat with. I've watched the Handgun for bears issue evolve from 44s to Casull to 10MM and now it's all 460 Rowland in this area.
  10. VernAK

    Delta junction Alaska

    I've lived here in Delta for 30 years and have seen one black bear in the valley. Too many grizzly bears! We go East 50 miles for black bears or West across the Delta River......any place but here in the valley. Jesse and Jimmy are flying frequently and will know where the bears are. Spot and...
  11. VernAK

    How to do a DIY Alaska Caribou hunt?

    This site is your best source of
  12. VernAK

    Canoe vs Kayaks for Fishing/General Use

    I see a use for both types. I've owned and used canoes for 70 tears and am down to only two. A 21' Scott and a 17' aluminum. For my use, moose and duck hunting as well as wilderness travel, I'll stay with the canoe. On my frequent fishing trips to Baja over 30 years, I often wished I had a...
  13. VernAK

    AFIB & What are you doing about it?

    I was apprehensive about Alaska Heart Institute and inquired about having it done at Mayo. They told me Dr Compton teaches the procedure there and many other places.
  14. VernAK

    2024 AK Moose Prep

    Gotta agree! I tie my boats with two lines after having beaver chew a single line. The more experience you have, the less equipment you need.
  15. VernAK

    AFIB & What are you doing about it?

    My AFIB got to the point where I couldn't do much of anything so my Dr lined me up with an ablation in Anchorage. It worked so well that I shot a dall ram 94 days later.......I was 69 at the time.