This was a big solid girl. 200 yards. Berger jacketed custom 80grn. Hit 1/3 way up from heart. Pretty much dropped on the spot.
Projectile passed right through and broke into 3 parts found just under the off side skin.
Pic of off side shoulder peeled back showing exit through rib cage and...
My verdict is that they are good. Kill well. Those petals are vicious. Their expansion threshold seems to be around 2000fps, but the contra is that they can be driven quite fast. Easy to get to shoot well. This was the first one Ive recovered, all others have past right through. 10 or so...
Not a TMK...Maker bullet. 62 grn, MV 3100fps. Angled 176 yards shot. Did a little twirl and dropped.
Bullet was just under the skin here
Entrence through ribs with shoulder off. The bullet angled from this heart region right through the gut bag and you can see how the gut contents...
Final tally was 74 deer for the year. 12 so far this year. Majority with .223. Most of the deer go to a couple of charities, but I do keep the back steaks for ourselves and friends.
This was the last one. Some of the meat collecting is done at night. 80 yards. Too easy. 80 grn Berger custom.
It certainly demonstrates that an animals' liver is a mushy old thing and a hit with any caliber is most likely to be fatal. I wouldn't draw any further conclusions than that from a single instance.
62 grn is the heaviest mono Ive used on game. I have some 68 Hammer Tipped to try but with the little bit of fiddling Ive done I cant quite get them to shoot accurately enough (using W748 I'm getting 3K fps). 70 grns with the monos seems to be the cut off point for stabilising with a 1:8. I...
There are some excellent lead free projectiles for the .223. Ive posted about the Maker and Hammer projectiles. Others' use Barnes. Use lighter weights and drive them fast. 55-65 grn class. Don't become so enamoured by the 77TMK that it blinds you to other 223 cal options. There are plenty of...
Reviving this thread.
I've shot 8 or so deer with the 62 grn Maker TRex out of a .223. 3,100 mv.
I haven't recovered a bullet - all have been pass throughs. Exit wounds have been larger on average than I have experienced with similar weight Barnes TTSX.
Here's terminal damage from a young stag...