Recent content by Speaks

  1. Speaks

    Rokstok review thread

    Setting mine up for the first time tomorrow. I have no scope mounted already and both the um lows and mediums on hand. Do you recommend going right to mediums or try lows first. It will be on a tikka 223 superlight.
  2. Speaks

    If you had to drop 30lbs and couldn’t workout???

    Carnivore or at least strict keto and aggressive fasting.
  3. Speaks

    bear hunting weapons of choice.

    I have never shot a black bear, though have seen a number shot. I do spend a bunch of time in the woods around them though. This is in MN and WI not out West. Even in mostly dense woods my bear encounters are generally at a distance where I would rather have a scoped rifle than a lever action...
  4. Speaks

    Favorite bird to hunt

    Ruff grouse in MN and WI. The real king of upland birds.
  5. Speaks

    Which Hoodie

    I have synthetic and alpaca sun shirts, merino hoodies in a few weights, various fleece options from patagonia and RIE and added the sitka heavy weight hoodie last fall. One hoodie for all things seems unworkable for me.
  6. Speaks

    Barrel break in

    If you mean some mythical "shoot once, then clean, then 10 more rounds cleaning between every 2, then 10 more cleaning every 5......" or whatever I dont do that or believe it works. If you mean shooting a number of rounds waiting for velocity and groups to settle down the easiest way to tell...
  7. Speaks

    Adult-onset hunter from MN

    I have a cabin on 20 acres in WI surrounded by a ton of county land. I do also have a few spots on public close to home just outside the NE corner of what is technically still considered the metro area.
  8. Speaks

    Upland gun company

    Nice guns, value for the $ is reliant on you wanting it to be customized and fitted. Nick Larson is a good guy and will treat you well.
  9. Speaks

    Brittany Spaniel...

    Britts and Setters are all I care to have.
  10. Speaks

    Ultralight Camp Shoe

    Merrel trail gloves.
  11. Speaks

    Longest Kill 6.5 Creedmoor

    Totally makes sense, didnt even consider elevation.
  12. Speaks

    Longest Kill 6.5 Creedmoor

    Hornady balistic app shows ELDX at 2700 at the barrel (so close to where you are) but down under 2k at 525, think its really still going 2100 at that range?
  13. Speaks

    Round in the Chamber

    I voted yes but I guess it depends. I may not always have one in the chamber when in the woods but I am also rarely loading to shoot. When I am bird hunting a spend hundreds of hours a year walking through the woods with a loaded shot gun, not sure why it would be horribly unsafe to do so with...
  14. Speaks

    6.5 PRC and 6.5 Creedmoor

    I was thinking last night about if I wanted a rifle with a bit more reach than my 6.5cm. If I use 1800 fps as my benchmark and the Hornady ballistics app I think it maybe extended me from 700 to 750 to move from CM to PRC, just for fun I checked my 270 and its right there with the PRC with...
  15. Speaks

    Interesting bench press data

    So I was in CO last summer hiking up a moderate 14er, I think it was 7 miles each direction and it was taking quite a bit out of me. There was a maniac that past me going both ways running it. I chatted with him for a minute and he said he runs up and back a few times a week to train for Iron...