Recent content by mtwarden

  1. mtwarden


    5 miles (700' ) with DW and Tiny Elvis
  2. mtwarden

    Sitka Dewpoint Raingear Review, By Mike Moore

    I think LE = limited edition, as in the black color
  3. mtwarden

    Sitka Dewpoint Raingear Review, By Mike Moore

    Ballpark— a Nalgene for each piece, the pants possibly a little smaller
  4. mtwarden

    Sitka Dewpoint Raingear Review, By Mike Moore

    see above your post :D
  5. mtwarden


    5 miles (700') with Tiny Elvis this morning
  6. mtwarden

    Top 5 Food bars while backpacking

    I need to find a new bar Used to eat a variety of Cliff bars—got sick of them Used to eat a variety of Kind bars—almost all have a little chocolate and chocolate melts and can make a mess also got sick of them Recently been using GoMacro bars and starting to get sick of them Sooo- the quest...
  7. mtwarden


    8 miles (1300') with Tiny Elvis this morning. There's a homeless guy camped right at the intersection of two trails—still in his tent arguing and cursing with hisself. Lots of reasons to carry when you're out and about. On a more positive note, did see a rainbow :)
  8. mtwarden

    Machine based strength training

    The guy that owns the gym I go to is bit of tightwad. I don’t think we’ve gotten a single new piece of equipment in the twelve years I’ve been going there. There are no stair climber and I really like stair climbers, so I looked at Planet Fitness. They had 6-8 climbers there, but no free...
  9. mtwarden

    How's your snowpack looking?

    Little Belts look great, Big Belts only fair.
  10. mtwarden

    Montana hunting and conservation groups solidify court standing in legal defense of elk management

    I’m not sure which (of the several who are fighting this) group is the best to donate for this cause; but I can tell you that UPOM has a big bankroll and are no friends to hunters.
  11. mtwarden

    How's your snowpack looking?

    Whoops; I'll see if I can merge this thread into the original one :)
  12. mtwarden


    strength train this afternoon deadlifts 5/5/5+/amrap overhead press 5/5/5+/amrap dumbbell walking lunges chin-ups 30-30-26 core
  13. mtwarden


    4 miles (500') with my wife and Tiny Elvis; it's been windy here for a week straight—almost getting used to it :D
  14. mtwarden


    ^Good deal. I've got a few places I'm not carrying traction, but the packed snow on most of the local trails is now ice, so it's going to be a bit before I can ditch them entirely.
  15. mtwarden


    sn snow and/or ice?