Recent content by JJ1179

  1. JJ1179


    Nice job!
  2. JJ1179

    Apple AirPod pro 2 hearing protection

    My wife got me a set to try out because I’m half dead and always say, “huh?”. Haven’t used them enough to form an opinion yet.
  3. JJ1179


    Garage! Can’t wait until I have a shop someday.
  4. JJ1179

    eld-m vs eldx

    Just picked up my first 6.5cm and 6.5prc. Looking forward to trying out some Eldm’s to see how they shoot.
  5. JJ1179

    eld-m vs eldx

  6. JJ1179

    9 Months

    That’s some sound advice!
  7. JJ1179

    Leopard and Hippo with a Bow

    Can’t wait to hear more.
  8. JJ1179

    Plants every mule deer hunter should know

    Awesome information! Thanks.
  9. JJ1179

    Sacrificing weapon quality for buck/herd quality and opportunity

    I agree. When you give something up, it’s hard to get back.
  10. JJ1179

    Haul road airboat hunt

    Right on! Congrats.
  11. JJ1179

    Sacrificing weapon quality for buck/herd quality and opportunity

    You’re thinking Bowie knives over blow guns with darts? 😂
  12. JJ1179

    Kudos to Kuiu

    I’ve warrantied two items through them as well, and both times had great customer service.
  13. JJ1179

    Pant for S Brooks Caribou

    I spent the majority of my trip in the Kuiu Tiburon pant. It was definitely not as cold as I had expected it to be.
  14. JJ1179


    Are there any concerns or issues with shooting the heavier 133’s or 135’s rather than the lighter grains with a .257 Weatherby?