Recent content by Forrpowpowpow

  1. Forrpowpowpow

    S&S Archery Black Friday deals for Rokslide

    Snagged some zulu6’s thanks S&S!
  2. Forrpowpowpow

    Wild game macros?

    Bingo, just what I’m looking for. I’d love to get a copy of that guide when you guys have it out. Where should I be looking? Also slight brag here’s the NM muzzle loader bull from this year. (Solo pictures are hard)
  3. Forrpowpowpow

    Wild game macros?

    I am wondering if anyone has a good idea on macros for various wild game meats. Mostly interested in protein and calories per ounce. Little background, Just about 2 years ago I realized I was a fat slob and made my health a priority and have lost over 60lbs. I counted calories and focused on...
  4. Forrpowpowpow

    WTS/WTT Meopta B1 HD 10x42

    Last bump and I’ll be forced to keep them for my hunt in a few weeks. I can now do $600 shipped.
  5. Forrpowpowpow

    WTS/WTT Meopta B1 HD 10x42

    Bump and drop, $650 shipped
  6. Forrpowpowpow

    WTS/WTT Meopta B1 HD 10x42

    Price drop $700 shipped
  7. Forrpowpowpow

    WTS/WTT Meopta B1 HD 10x42

    Sorry brother I sent a reply, I got called into work and it made my week go south. But I’m back
  8. Forrpowpowpow

    WTS/WTT Meopta B1 HD 10x42

    I love these binos, bought them new from camera land in 2019, spent a lot of time behind these. Great condition, always kept in a bino harness. My hunting style has changed and I find myself glassing off a tripod more than anything else. So 12x50’s are my next move. I’d be willing to trade for...
  9. Forrpowpowpow

    Choice Ammunition? Reviews, thoughts, questions?

    Hey guys I’m working on getting ammo’d up for a few hunts in November. I don’t reload and I have been using unknown munitions for all my ammo with great success. Currently they don’t have brass in the two elk appropriate calibers I use. Did some looking and Choice Ammunition has some ammo in my...
  10. Forrpowpowpow

    New Mexico 16B Drop Camp?

    I ended up going solo. No drop camp. By the time I started contacting outfitters everyone was booked for drop camps. I hunted the border of 16b and 16c. If I was a better hunter I should have tagged on a small rag 5x5. The only other bull I saw was a low 300’s 6x6 just on the C side of the 16’s...
  11. Forrpowpowpow

    WTB Extreme Outter Limits bipod Rugged Ridge bipod

    Looking for a rugged ridge bipod 7-10” preferably 2gen. Let me know what is available. Thanks!
  12. Forrpowpowpow

    swagger Hunter42 bipod sale, $103.50

    Ordered the last one! Thank you for the heads up, should be perfect on the coyote gun