Recent content by Elkhntr08

  1. Elkhntr08

    Everyone's bow/arrow setups this year. SHOW EM OFF!!!

    Hoyt VTM34 70# 27” Axis 5mm w/125 Sevr Hybrid Only thing added is a Tactacam 6.0 for deer, turkeys and bear.
  2. Elkhntr08

    Cheap amazon thumb release?

    Save yourself the $25. I can tell you right now, you’ll hate it and never want to try a real quality thumb release. I bought a couple cheaper made releases and didn’t care for them and they were name brand. Finally made the jump and bought a Carter. I now own 2 and no finger trigger releases...
  3. Elkhntr08

    Whitetail Arrow Weight

    First of all, you’re nitpicking over peanuts. The difference between a 475 and 520 grain arrow is minimal. The difference between 290and 305 fps is minimal. Couple things to keep in mind. A heavy arrow will retain energy and velocity better than a light weight arrow. It will also stay on track...
  4. Elkhntr08

    Whitetail Arrow Weight

    Sorry, but I’m probably not the best to ask about a “whitetail” arrow. I build one arrow that tunes and flys great with a broadhead and that’s what I shoot. Don’t worry about a 3D, whitetail or elk arrow. My current setup is a 490 grain arrow at 66#. Works just fine for me.
  5. Elkhntr08

    How many packs is too many?...

    I don’t ask how many purses my wife has and she doesn’t ask about packs. I’m guessing she’s head in numbers and cost.
  6. Elkhntr08

    Everyone's 2024 Broadhead Results?

    I don’t. I’ve been a fixed blade COC for 40 years. Did try the Hypodermic and SpitFires once. Did not care for them. I personally like the extra blades on the Hybrid and they fly with my FP, but then so do ViperTricks.
  7. Elkhntr08

    Everyone's 2024 Broadhead Results?

    Switched to Sevr Ti 1.5 Hybrids this year. I’ve never been a mechanical fan until now. Both deer I shot were 21-25 yards and I watched both fall in 30 yards or less. Going to try the 2.0 on spring turkey.
  8. Elkhntr08

    2024 show your dogs success

    She had it out of the barn onto the porch. Now wondering where breakfast is.
  9. Elkhntr08

    Whats your Black Bear Caliber?

    When I’m not hunting with my bow, which the majority of the time, I carry a Remington 673 in 300 saum. Short, light, points like a shotgun and packs a punch.
  10. Elkhntr08

    Someone smarter than me

    Buy points in Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada and Utah. Throw my hat in the ring in New Mexico. You’ve already got a hunting license in Utah and Colorado, so a OTC elk tag is a solid backup plan. Pretty much my playbook.
  11. Elkhntr08

    Multi Pin Sight Setup for Elk

    Switched from a SH 7 pin to a Fast Eddie 3 pin, all .10. Pins set at 20, 30 and 40, but I can adjust the top pin out to 70. It’s been working great for 3 years now.
  12. Elkhntr08

    ATV to a SxS Who’s made the switch?

    After looking around at some SxS in the area, I’ve pretty much decided to go a different route. Wasn’t impressed with the size of the beds at the units I was looking at. Power seems to be a small issue with the 50” units. Think I’m going with a bigger quad, 660-800, and a small trailer I can...
  13. Elkhntr08

    Wyoming Region question.

    Thank you sir. I don’t know why I couldn’t find that other than I’m trying to look on my phone instead of computer.
  14. Elkhntr08

    Wyoming Region question.

    Haven’t applied in Wyoming since the Regions thing. My question is, if I apply for a Southern Region general tag, can I still buy the Special Archery and hunt the archery season. Haven’t found it in the regs nor in a search here. Thanks
  15. Elkhntr08

    ATV to a SxS Who’s made the switch?

    At 63, I’m thinking about switching from my Rancher and Sportsman to a Rzr 570. Riding very far kills my back, I cringe when I take my truck on a forest service road and loading them in the trunk is starting to bother me. Figure I can run it down the road 10 miles to one of my hunting spots...