Save yourself the $25. I can tell you right now, you’ll hate it and never want to try a real quality thumb release.
I bought a couple cheaper made releases and didn’t care for them and they were name brand. Finally made the jump and bought a Carter. I now own 2 and no finger trigger releases...
First of all, you’re nitpicking over peanuts. The difference between a 475 and 520 grain arrow is minimal. The difference between 290and 305 fps is minimal. Couple things to keep in mind. A heavy arrow will retain energy and velocity better than a light weight arrow. It will also stay on track...
Sorry, but I’m probably not the best to ask about a “whitetail” arrow.
I build one arrow that tunes and flys great with a broadhead and that’s what I shoot. Don’t worry about a 3D, whitetail or elk arrow. My current setup is a 490 grain arrow at 66#. Works just fine for me.
I don’t. I’ve been a fixed blade COC for 40 years. Did try the Hypodermic and SpitFires once. Did not care for them.
I personally like the extra blades on the Hybrid and they fly with my FP, but then so do ViperTricks.
Switched to Sevr Ti 1.5 Hybrids this year. I’ve never been a mechanical fan until now. Both deer I shot were 21-25 yards and I watched both fall in 30 yards or less. Going to try the 2.0 on spring turkey.
When I’m not hunting with my bow, which the majority of the time, I carry a Remington 673 in 300 saum. Short, light, points like a shotgun and packs a punch.
Buy points in Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada and Utah. Throw my hat in the ring in New Mexico.
You’ve already got a hunting license in Utah and Colorado, so a OTC elk tag is a solid backup plan.
Pretty much my playbook.
Switched from a SH 7 pin to a Fast Eddie 3 pin, all .10. Pins set at 20, 30 and 40, but I can adjust the top pin out to 70. It’s been working great for 3 years now.
After looking around at some SxS in the area, I’ve pretty much decided to go a different route.
Wasn’t impressed with the size of the beds at the units I was looking at. Power seems to be a small issue with the 50” units.
Think I’m going with a bigger quad, 660-800, and a small trailer I can...
Haven’t applied in Wyoming since the Regions thing. My question is, if I apply for a Southern Region general tag, can I still buy the Special Archery and hunt the archery season. Haven’t found it in the regs nor in a search here.
At 63, I’m thinking about switching from my Rancher and Sportsman to a Rzr 570.
Riding very far kills my back, I cringe when I take my truck on a forest service road and loading them in the trunk is starting to bother me.
Figure I can run it down the road 10 miles to one of my hunting spots...