this issue makes the public land hunting crowd go batty. I wonder how long until this fred guy puts in 50 ft high poles instead of 4 ft high poles on the corners. Jurassic park fences or some such thing.
We have had our own birds for years. Biggest problem is when they start hiding eggs and you find some big cache and have no idea how long its been there. They all get tossed then.
i am glad you like being part of BHA. But BHA and their ilk spent years being overtly political and antagonistic. making enemies. WY BHA Chairman Buzz Hettick and Former Pres LT are prime examples. I will simply not allow you or anyone else to gas light me or the internet by pretending...
You really want to go down this road bud? Just say so and we can turn this into a sht on Bha thread. Ill bring lots of receipts about BHA playing politics.
That magazine sticking down is the only thing i dont like about your rifle. I bought a 5 rd mag as a back up to the factory issued 3 rd for my 270. I never expected how much i dont like the 5 rd magazine protruding. It was something i did not give much though about until i started carrying it...
So now in addition to people promoting outright anti hunting groups, we have people promoting the center for american progress which is one of the largest pro gun control antihunting organizations in the world. Founded by george soros. Great stuff.
Oil patch is doing fine and new activity is happening just fine. You have no clue what you are talking about. You linked a graph going back to the 1970s as if that is a good reference. Go back to yahoo for more info
Yes. They were a 100% political organization for years. Recent change in leadership means its wait and see. But it was years and years of politically corrupt dealing at the expense of hunters and public land users so they could push their politics. Dozens of examples.
Gaslighting and denial...
I had looked for this exact rifle a few years ago but they had not released it at 6.5 prc at that time. I ended up with a t3x lite SS in 270 which I like very much. I think you got a hell of deal on what is my favorite rifle, the Tikka T3x (Lite) SS. Great rifle and like you said...not...
can you link some of the permit comments or public articles written by BHA critical of that green energy development? i must of missed them when it counted. you know when the biden administration which they wanted in office committed 22 million acres of public land to industrial scale...
There are dozens for threads about BHA and why people don't like them. They put politics at the front of everything they do or at least used to. Wildlife federation isn't far behind. I am not going to get into some political rage thread. You guys have like 40 pages of that over the last few...
I am not accusing BHA of being anti hunting. I think BHA corporate is a bunch of clowns and has cost hunters dearly on some of the most important topics relevant to hunters. I think they do some good, but for most hunters the bad has historically outweighed the good. I think locally there are...