Recent content by Alpine4x4

  1. Alpine4x4

    What does this brake rotor tell you?

    x whatever on it being a caliper issue most likely. Pad contact is not even. If it was a rotor not seated on the hub properly the uneven wear wouldnt go around 360*. Rotors dont truly warp as stated before.
  2. Alpine4x4

    Pics of animals you weren't hunting

    Well he was still antlered up when he was pushed off his winter vacation spot and now hes gone up the mountain. Last pictures we got of him. The landowner started shed hunting the area they were in for the smaller bulls sheds and bumped the small herd. They messed up since this guy was the...
  3. Alpine4x4

    Time to Upgrade Binos

    A friend of mine has the 16x50 HDX pros and I have the 16x42 HDX. We compared them this last weekend. The Pros are noticeably larger and heavier. The Pros have a noticeably wider FOV when swapping back and forth, it gives the illusion the regular HDX actually has more magnification when it...
  4. Alpine4x4

    Tripod, Tricer? Center column? I need your experience here

    You can separate the center column on the Front Country and run the real short one which is basically not having one. Should meet your requirements doing that. Its really the best of both worlds.
  5. Alpine4x4

    Time to Upgrade Binos

    At the $1000 price point I'd add just a tad more and hold out for some Swaro SLCs or ELs. I upgraded from the Vipers to SLCs and it was a noticeable jump in clarity among other things.
  6. Alpine4x4

    How to set your baby up for the future hunting?

    Land. Thats what we did. Give them some opportunity off the beat public spots while still encouraging going out and finding game on public land. If my kids arent in to it, I still have an investment property and I will still hunt it. That said my 3yr old wants to go call turkeys with his new...
  7. Alpine4x4

    States with most remote backcountry

    The North Cascades of WA have some extremely remote terrain, especially if talking proximity to a road. There also isnt a lot of game there except very early in the season as our ungulates are extremely migration orientated in those areas. It's also loaded with hunters getting "way back"...
  8. Alpine4x4

    ROKSLIDE get a new look?

    Almost daily. Was a total annoyance.
  9. Alpine4x4

    Do you eat breakfast?

    I havent in ages, but just started again as it usually kicks my metabolism into gear and I need to lose weight and start eating more beneficial foods to lower my BP. Right now my bfast consists of either a protein bar (Kind brand) or Banana and a glass of either Carrot or Mango juice puree. On...
  10. Alpine4x4

    Pics of animals you weren't hunting

    I'd really like to find this guys sheds here in the coming weeks.
  11. Alpine4x4

    Muley rubs and timing

    I had a young 2x3 come in and rub one of our small aspens on camera during the beginning of the rut one evening. Later that night a bigger dominate 5x5 came in and destroyed a small aspen about 10ft to the left of the small bucks rub. I had three other mature bucks come in the area with one...
  12. Alpine4x4

    Viper HD 10x42 Bino

    I went from Crossfires to the Cabelas Vipers to Swaro SLC's this last year. It's a big jump from the Crossfires to the Vipers in all regards. From Viper to SLC the lowlight, CA, and edge to edge clarity are your biggest gains. Vipers are solid glass for the money.
  13. Alpine4x4

    Aziak vs Tricer

    I use the FC for standing, works great. The Tricer may be a tad lighter, but the FC is much more compact when folded up. Been happy with it so far.