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  • mww982, Hi, thought I would share a little bare shaft tuning info you might find helpful. I have heard and read that 21' is the distance that shows max arrow deflection, thus that is where I start. I place paper in front of my target at least 36" in front so flight through paper is clean. I then look for paper bare shaft bullet holes and straight penetration into foam target.
    I've been into archery for going on 19 years or so. Started building my own hunting arrows over the last couple years. Bur have really gotten into details on it over the last year. This year it's been more about weight and increasing my FOC to 15% or higher. I was shooting Easton Hexx's that were around 460 grain. Wanted to go to a micro arrow so I chose the day six's and will be at roughly 560 grains.
    That is about where I started last spring with a 550 grain arrow and 16% FOC with 200 grain broadheads on a micro shaft. Last fall I increased arrow weight to 625 grains and now I am trying to get to 650 -660 grains. About the only thing I have settled on is 200 grain broadheads.
    I keep trying to get the right combination of spine and insert weights along with still trying to decide on feathers, vanes, zingers and or wraps. I might try building 3 shafts by adjusting insert weights to make up for fletching weight to test broadhead accuracy to see if one is truly better than another. Still tinkering
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