I've used it to get downrange velocity on arrows, to adjust sight tapes. just put it behind a target. Yes you are shooting close to it, within the 5-15" range.
From what I remember of UTDWR procedures, I believe you are correct in the process. But once I moved 6 years ago I had an entirely new system to learn and brain dumped most of my UTDWR knowledge. RAC and wildlife board are definitely involved though.
Cool. I have a Lyman GPR that I took a rasp to and reshaped the stock similar to those lines. Kibler makes great kits. It'll be interesting to see what the price point on this will be.
I decided to try these and they arrived last week. So far I like them, even a hike with the dog yesterday in the foothills was comfortable. However, I can tell I'm going to have to do a thick leather insole or something for rocks. I'm no stranger to zero drop and minimalist shoes, it has been...
I don't see WY changing. The WYOGA (WY Outfitters and Guides Assoc) have a lot of say in this state. With many of them outfitting in the western half of the state, with a large population of G-bears, they love large calibers.
I needed to switch out the Sportmatch Med rings to a little taller set. Finally got around to rezeroing after installing a set of UM Med rings. The feel of this stock is getting better and better. Really looking forward to the Marshall I ordered. BTW, home paint job, ha and it shows!
Gotcha, I didn't catch the percussion cap/ flint part.
But here's something; how many lever guns are kicking around in grandpa's closet that could be borrowed.
Honestly with you, speaking specifically on Beaver West, it will only help that unit. We've seen out there have dwindled a lot...
That seems like a stretch. It's 3 units out of, what, 30 general units, and 1 LE unit. It seems like a good number to try this out on. If a person already hunts with a muzzy, it's not hard to switch from optics to irons.
I do agree it could be good management tool, especially if left for...