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  • Thanks....I bought it an hour ago. It will likely arrive before my pack does :) I agree, it seems like a prudent piece of gear to have for the pack and may have other uses for hunting as well.
    Thanks, Downeaster. I can get it for $56 and simply wondering if it is worth it. Also, it sounds like the medium worked well for your Pintler pack.

    Yes, seems like a good piece of kit to have. Best of luck!
    Hello from Northern Minnesota,
    I recently bought a like-new MR Pintler pack, in fact, so recently that I haven't received it yet. I'm intrigued with the hooded pack fly cover and read a thread you started/contributed to in the past. Do you still recommend this accessory over a regular pack fly cover? Seems like a great idea and I'm wondering if it's worth the extra cost. Also, medium size work ok? Thanks! Wayne
    Sorry man, i dont think i actually used in the rain but i did check the fit on the pack and that seemed fine. I swear i saw it on sale somewhere recently. If i remember ill let you know where. All in all im glad i grabbed it, the hood and the strap arms are good features in my book. If i get a chance to use it anytime soon ill let u know. I generally have my pop-up 18 on unless im gonna camp a night or carry more clo
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