Once In A Lifetime New Mexico Oryx.

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My OIL bull was 36”. Shot him out of a heard of about 50-75 animals. There was a hunter in front of me parked on the same road when we came over a little rise. I jumped out and told him to shoot first but he had a broken horn tag and there weren’t many in this group giving him a good shot. So, he gave me the opportunity to shoot and I picked one of the biggest ones in the group. My second one on range was a broken horn and I was done the first afternoon. My other two off range were smaller ones all running with smaller ones about the same size. I’m not one to really study an animal hard to see if I want to shoot or not. I take it when it’s available and fill my freezer. Lol
My OIL bull was 36”. Shot him out of a heard of about 50-75 animals. There was a hunter in front of me parked on the same road when we came over a little rise. I jumped out and told him to shoot first but he had a broken horn tag and there weren’t many in this group giving him a good shot. So, he gave me the opportunity to shoot and I picked one of the biggest ones in the group. My second one on range was a broken horn and I was done the first afternoon. My other two off range were smaller ones all running with smaller ones about the same size. I’m not one to really study an animal hard to see if I want to shoot or not. I take it when it’s available and fill my freezer. Lol
Man thats a lot of Oryx on the ground. Love it!
I'm hoping to have more opportunities as well. I'll continue trying for broken horn and off range stuff like I used to. I also have a couple old friends that are badge holders so I'm thinking of doing some begging for help from them someday. We'll see.

This bull measured 38.75" and his total score was about 93".
Like you, I usually don't pay attention to that sort of stuff but I was curious. We had our eyes on three good bulls all kind of standing together. I told my spotters I was shooting the the first one that gave me a clean shot.

We were the ninth group to check out. Its been about a month now and its still sort of a blur and yet crystal clear at the same time. Pretty cool. It sure is nice when things fall in your favor sometimes.
Congrats on a nice bull, do you keep most of the meat as steaks? Not familiar with the oil tags, gonna have to look into it
I kept the straps and loins intact, but we ground about half of the rest. Thats what we eat most. We did some with beef fat for burgers, and some with pork fat for breakfast sausage and Italian style meatballs.
Hey, nice bull. Congratulations.

I have shot 6 gemsbok in Namibia, and helped a friend hunt around the same number. I have found that a well placed 30 cal bullet has worked fine for me and never required a follow up shot. Just my experience.
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