NightForce ELR Steel Challenge?


We ended up 13th out of 40 ish teams . The rifles shot very well but we timed out on way to many stages and kind of got fogged out on two stages. We simply didn’t practice enough as a team. We will be back it was a lot of fun with lots of great people.

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Awesome time, though tough for sure. Getting to meet Ryan, Tanya, and EOD was super cool.

Broke a spotting scope, and had a pic rail come loose.

Also, when you have a Lego painted 7PRC you get the best trace in the competition.
Such a cool weekend! I learned so much, especially about reading wind at those distances. I spent the whole weekend kicking myself for forgetting my tripod at home, so next year, checklists.
It was also great to meet other Rokslide members!
Can't wait for next year.

We ended up 13th out of 40 ish teams . The rifles shot very well but we timed out on way to many stages and kind of got fogged out on two stages. We simply didn’t practice enough as a team. We will be back it was a lot of fun with lots of great people.

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That's pretty fricken cool, nice job! I bet y'all learned a shit ton you can apply for your next trip, too. Sounds like a very cool event.
I haven't decided yet. I just got it and haven't shot my 300NM with it yet. If I can still manage the recoil I'd like to, but if the brake is a ton better I may stick with it.
My goal would be to shoot it surpressed, but I definitely want to test this can vs brake for sure. I just picked up a nomad ti and threw an e brake on it, so it will be a fun test, once Idaho decides to stop raining and snowing so much and I can get out to my shooting spots.
No mirage concerns burning that much powder (300 NM) with a can? That’s what I’d be worried about in a match setting.
No mirage concerns burning that much powder (300 NM) with a can? That’s what I’d be worried about in a match setting.
It can definitely be a concern, but the max you're shooting on any stages eight rounds, and that's just if you miss everything the first time. I did take a few zeros on stages last year, but on average I only shot five or six rounds per stage. I have an Armageddon gear cover for it, but I've only shot it with a gas gun so far so that's another thing I'll need to test with some mock stages
We ever nail down a Rokslide squad? I don't think I can make Hunter weight with my can, so I'll probably be shooting with a dirty break.