Hydration Drinks

So a few years ago I did a deep dive looking to see who has the strongest electrolyte mix

Only one I could find was LMNT.

Everything else only has a few hundred grams of sodium.

I don't eat salty foods. Not that I'm worried about it it's just not something I do normally. So the higher mix is great.

Tailwind is pretty good too if you need some carbs while hunting. But this year I'm packing LMNT and just extra carb food to make up the difference.
I have always used Wilderness Athlete Hydration and Recover on my elk hunts. Ia that still the go to stuff or are there other options out there.
Try tailwind endurance fuel. Used by runners for long distances. Has some carbohydrates and the necessary sodium, potassium etc for hydration and fueling.
Pro tip:
For those using an electrolyte-only product: you can add some easy carbs when you want by having a bag of dextrose (aka glucose) handy. Also called corn sugar (it's NOT high fructose syrup) it is used in home brewing as a fermentable to naturally carbonate beer (priming sugar). It quickly dissolves and has a clean taste that is less "sweet" than table sugar.
Redmond Re-Lyte

They have single serve packs as well.

DRJAMES for 15% off
I use the WA Paleo(ish) Hydrate and Recover and love it.
Been using WA HR for years as the base for my pre-workout mix...also works great on hunts. I have tried other stuff but I have sub for couple tubs every month so its easy...Watermelon is my go to flavor.
Pedialyte Sport. Salt is something i look for a lot in hydartion mixes. I have run several marathons last two years and did my first ultra this year so salt is somehting i am looking at a lot along with the other electrolytes. WA H & R only has 100mg for some reason , i really try and find something in the 300-500mg range at least. I haven't tried LMNT but they make them with 1000mg.
I have always used Wilderness Athlete Hydration and Recover on my elk hunts. Ia that still the go to stuff or are there other options out there.

Excellent recommendations in here for the plethora of other products on the market nowadays.

You're really looking for two things in a product like this (as others have highlighted): carbs and salt. Both not only improve performance on tough efforts, they allow for greater water retention (and, as you probably guess- better hydration).

The 'dose' of sodium varies GREATLY among brands. Which is right for you is largely dependent on your physiology (are you a salty sweater or not?), your hunt (is it hot? High elevation? Are you moving a ton or spending your day glassing?), and maybe most important- your preference (does a certain carb dose sit better with you than another? Do you like salt or no?).

Those will drive the best decision. WA H&R isn't 'bad', but is on the far end of 'low' for sodium replacement (the major value of a replacement) and has virtually no carbs (vital for holding water and replacing lost fuel in the muscle).

We did a YouTube video covering all of those + the five different types of replacements. You can jump on there and look for it if you're interested. If OK'ed by a mod, I'm also happy to post here.

Hope this is helpful!

Great suggestions, everyone. You covered the gamut!
I've used Infinit Go Far for long efforts. It's 280 calories per serving and includes 4 grams of protein along with carbs and electrolytes. It tastes decent as long as you've got cold water (that's true of most I think). And doesn't seem quite as heavy/sticky as Tailwind.
I haven’t used any supplements on the mountain yet, but I did try several different options during Ironman training. Settled on the Skratch Labs offering. I’m a big fan of their single serve hydration packets and if you’re looking for carbs, they’re Superfuel mixture. Not too much flavor, easy to drink for a multi hour bike ride.