Cold Bore Accuracy

Article 4

Mar 4, 2019
The Great Northwest
We all like to shoot groups that are sub MOA, me included. Its great fun and helps with confidence in your rifle and load. How many of us practice 1st shot accuracy on a cold bore?

Here is a great drill to ensure 1st shot accuracy a ELR.
  1. Go through your 100 yard routine. ensure the rifle is on and ready
  2. Let the barrel cool completely
  3. Pick a random range, or let someone else pick it (by random I mean something not within you exact DOPE) 739 for instance rather than 700 or 750
  4. Dial and shoot on a cold bore - as if it were your animal target
Wanna add a bit more fun to the equation - do 50 jumping jacks, paractice controlling your breathing and heartbeat and repeat 1 through 4
Stupid question time... what is the next step if your cold bore shot is off? Meaning when there is heat in the barrel, groups are good at closer range. Move back to distance(cold bore) and bam, dope is off? Skilled trigger man here, new to the long range game
Stupid question time... what is the next step if your cold bore shot is off? Meaning when there is heat in the barrel, groups are good at closer range. Move back to distance(cold bore) and bam, dope is off? Skilled trigger man here, new to the long range game
Been gone for a long time, apology for the late reply.
If your rifle is spot on at 100 zero and you are off at say 700 cold bore. It may be a DOPE issue or a shooter issue.
How much are you off? If you are burning the edge, likely shooter or windage - IME windage is where we make most of our errors rather than elevation. If you are more than 10-12 inches off at 700, likely windage or overall DOPE/shooter error.
Move back to a distance you can shoot confidently. Say 400 - if you can hit the target regularly, then move to 500 and 600 etc...all cold bore