- Robby DenningCo-Owner
Robby Denning started hunting mule deer in the late 1970’s, only missing one season in 35 years. At 25, he gave up the pursuit of all other big-game to focus on taking the best bucks possible. He began hunting the West on a DIY budget hunting an average of 30 days a year for mule deer. Robby loves the hunt as much as the kill and the entire process from research to scouting to hunting. He’s killed four bucks over 200 inches in the last 15 seasons, mostly on easily-obtained tags. He owns a public-land scouting service and runs a private-land outfitting business helping other hunters in their pursuit of deer and elk. Robby has scouted and hunted literally thousands of square miles of mule deer country and brings a wealth of knowledge about these experiences with him. To him, the weapon of choice is just a means-to-an-end and will hunt with bow, rifle, or muzzleloader – whatever it takes to create an opportunity to take a great mule deer. He is also a published author writing for several nationally recognized magazines. Robby believes all of creation is from God for man to manage, respect, and through which to know its Creator
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- Ryan AveryCo-Owner
Ryan grew up and first started hunting in North Idaho. He met his wife of 21 years there, and they have two children. Ryan spent some time in the military. His passion is hunting elk, mule deer, and bears. Ryan hunts with both stick-bow and long-range rifle. Even when not hunting, Ryan is still in the woods, looking for places to hunt. Ryan is the Web guru and Co-Founder of Rokslide.
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- Justin CrossleyEditor
Justin Crossley is married to wife Breana and they have two kids; Alissa and Dylan. Born and raised in Western Washington he grew up fishing anything that would bite, and hunting black tail deer using rifle and muzzle loader with his dad and brother. Some of his fondest memories are those where he explored the wilderness and learned about hunting and fishing. As he got older his passion for the outdoors grew and he started hunting everything from upland birds, to predators, to any big game animal he could get a tag for. He has had the privilege to have friends and family who enjoyed the outdoors like he does and has made priceless memories with them on many trips. Justin’s kids have both been raised around hunting and fishing, and son Dylan recently killed his first deer at age ten. Justin enjoys every type of hunting and will hunt archery, rifle, or muzzleloader to extend his hunting season as much as possible. His favorite hunts take place in the backcountry with camp on his back. He has learned to hone his craft in long range shooting, archery, and reloading. He always strives to learn more and improve himself as a hunter. Justin has always had a passion for helping others expand their knowledge and love of the outdoors.
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Pro Staff
- Travis Bertrand
Travis Bertrand is a native Nevadan who loves hunting western big game animals. Travis has been lucky enough to take big game in Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, California and Africa. Hunting is his passion and it doesn’t matter what weapon, Travis seeks for opportunities to hunt trophy animals. Travis grew up hunting with his dad who owned a guide service specializing in Bear, Mountain lion, and Deer. Holding on to the leash of a trailing blue tick hound at age 5 engrained Travis’ passions for the outdoors and the wildlife God put on this earth. Travis’ wife Andrea now accompanies him on all his hunts and both look forward to the day their two children are big enough to tag along as well. Of all hunting, he enjoys backcountry mule deer hunting the most. He spends many nights throughout the year backpacked into remote country in search of adventure. Some say he is obsessed with harvesting a giant mule deer. He would agree wholeheartedly.
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- Jared Bloomgren
Jared was raised to appreciate the outdoors and everything that Mother Nature has to offer. He strives to better himself in the hunting community and to also help those that are looking for the insight that they wish to acquire when it comes to hunting. He plans all his own hunts and is very proud of being a "Do It Yourself" hunter who hunts mostly public land. Jared is fortunate to have gained the support of various companies in the hunting industry. While he enjoys various styles of hunting, 90% of his hunting is done by spot and stalk. Jared says "Spot & stalk really pits your knowledge and experience against that of your prey on their terms. It levels the playing field more than any other style of hunting." He takes extreme pride in the knowledge and experience that he has gained over the years. As a freelance writer, he enjoys reliving hunts and passing on tips and tactics information in prose to readers. He is the proud father of two, Emmalynn and Jackson. He will teach them many of the same things that he was lucky enough to learn from his late father.
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- Jordan Budd
Jordan Budd was born and raised on her families cattle ranch near Rushville, Nebraska. Growing up on the ranch provided numerous opportunities for antelope, mule deer, whitetail, turkeys, and predators. Having always rifle hunted, during high school she bought a bow and taught herself archery and every since has been hooked. Videography and photography has also been a passion of hers since high school, and in 2014 she was brought onto the show Best of the West TV as a field producer and editor, filming hunts during spring and fall throughout the West and other regions including Alaska, Canada, and New Zealand. She now lives in Cody, Wyoming and works full time for the show. She thoroughly enjoys the backpacking life while testing out gear, scouting the high country, taking photos and just enjoying the time around wildlife and being in the outdoors. She loves writing articles and making videos to pass on what she has learned to benefit fellow hunters heading into the field.
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- Meet
JoshJosh BoydJosh BoydJosh is a lifelong DIY backcountry hunter who enjoys the challenge of rugged and wild country. Preferring minimal equipment and support, his appetite for adventure has led to successful hunts of elk, mule deer, mountain goat, moose, antelope, black bear, and whitetails. As a freelance writer, Josh’s adventures have been documented in popular print media such Bowhunter Magazine, Bow & Arrow Hunting, Extreme Elk Magazine, and Eastmans' Bowhunting Journal as well as multiple articles on Rokslide.com.
With over 200 days spent in the field every year in the mountains of Western Montana hunting, skiing, hiking, biking, and working, Josh is continually investigating and pushing the limits of the equipment. Josh works with the U.S. Forest Service specializing in watershed restoration, hydrologic data collection, and snowpack information, putting him in the backcountry in a variety of conditions throughout the year.Josh's Latest Articles
- Meet
MattMatt CashellMatt CashellOptics SpecialistMatt Cashell is a Montana hunter. Matt has traveled to all corners of his home state chasing whatever game he can. Matt has been lucky to take great trophies in Montana’s classic game species: Rocky Mountain Elk, Mule Deer, and Pronghorn. When he isn’t out chasing big game, he might be pointing a shotgun at flushing roosters, casting flies for Montana’s monster trout, or working on shooting precision long range rifles. Matt has spent more time outdoors than in through his formative years, and has deep roots in family hunting traditions garnered from years of following his father and uncle in Montana’s wild places. Family is important to Matt as he works to pass on those traditions to his five kids in the Bitterroot Valley of Western Montana, with the help of his loving wife, Heather.
A self-proclaimed gear geek, Matt continues to pursue the ragged edge of hunting technology, and any small advantage or comfort that can increase his chances of backcountry success. Particularly an optics addict, Matt is always trying to see better, and find those wiley critters before they find him. It doesn’t matter what weapon is used, the hunt and wild places draw him to the woods, time after time. Going in deeper, and hunting harder is always the goal with Matt, and the pursuit of that goal never ends.
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MikeMike PetersonMike PetersonMike is one of the most knowledgable and helpful muzzleloader hunters on the web. He is very well known on the top muzzleloading forums out there. So much so, that the Rokslide owners personally invited him to join the Rokslide Prostaff, something they've done with very few people. Mike grew up in the Boise, Idaho area. His his introduction to hunting came at a very young age hunting small game with a single-shot Steven .22 rifle. His love for hunting was interrupted in 1962 for a four-year stint in the Navy serving aboard a CVA-19 aircraft carrier. On his return to Idaho, he discovered that hunting in Northern Idaho was too fine to return to his Boise roots. Fifty-five years later he continues to hunt elk, whitetails, and turkey in Idaho's land of the North. About 2004, Mike returned to his single shot roots making the switch from modern centerfire rifles to the wonderful world of muzzeloading. His collection of muzzleloaders ranges from a Lyman 54 Trade rifle, to Renegades, to Inlines, to a barrage of Knight Muzzleloaders. Mike is also member of the Knight Rifle prostaff. He is widely recognized in the muzzleloading industry as a true expert in the field. Besides Idaho's special muzzleloader-only seasons, Mike frequently hunts the centerfire seasons packing only his trusty muzzleloaders, a testament to his commitment to the smoke pole. Mike brings a wealth of muzzleloading knowledge to Rokslide that is hard to match. You'll find him on the muzzleloader forum helping members improve their rifle's performance. He and his wife Terry reside in Moscow, Idaho.
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- Ross Russell
Ross has resided in the Northwest for 30+ years, grew up in a family of elk hunters and the passion of the hunt was instilled early on when his family would gather in North Idaho for the annual general rifle season.
When falls arrives, Ross can be found in the high country of North Idaho and Northwest Montana, with Bow or Rifle in hand. "As long as I am chasing Big Bulls in the backcountry there is a smile on my face. Many would call Elk Hunters an odd lot, as who in their right mind would want to put their body through the trials and tribulations that we do each fall, with no guarantee of success. It takes dedication, perseverance and someone who enjoys hardwork to be successful year in and year out. I like hardwork, so count me in"!
Many a fine bull has been taken by Ross' bullet and arrow. To expand his love of the outdoors and his knowledge of Elk, he can be found each spring fervently pursuing Elk Sheds. "Shed hunting gives you an arm up on the quality of bulls in the area, expands your knowledge, is great for training and is another opportunity to be in the great outdoors."
Ross resides in Liberty Lake Washington, with his wife Kirsten and his shed hunting companion Magnum.Ross' Latest Articles
- Tony TrietchTony's passion for hunting started very early when he would accompany his Father a field. At 12 years old he took his first buck with a bow and now some 30+ years later he has built his life and business so he can focus on hunting all fall. Tony lives in the midwest but spends a third of the year in the west scouting and hunting in any state he can get a tag. Whether it's rugged mountains or grassy plains, elk or deer, Tony's goal is the same; find the oldest and biggest animal that lives there and kill it. Tony hunts with archery and firearms and spends much of his fall backpack hunting. Tony has been published in many of the most popular hunting publications and even had an feature article in Field & Stream written about him and his hunting techniques. Tony is a custom homebuilder and is married to his dream woman, Jody.
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- Les Welch
Les Welch has been hunting and shooting for over 30 years. He grew up chasing small game and whitetails in the big woods of Northern Wisconsin. Having the ability to roam for thousands of acres hunting, scouting, and exploring without seeing people and civilization ingrained the public land DIY mentality deep within. After harvesting dozens of whitetails with archery equipment, including many P&Y, and countless more with rifle and muzzleloader the desire to explore the mountains had become to much to overcome. In 2006, he started researching antelope. That led to the harvest of 6 DIY, public land antelope in 2007 between him and his father. That trip was the beginning of the obsession/addiction. Since that trip he has traveled West of the Mississippi on 8 more hunts, all 100% DIY public land.....with 100% success rates, harvesting multiple elk, mule deer, and antelope. Coming home to the flatlands after that first hunt back in '07 he realized the need to be in shape if success was going to continue. He dropped 60# and 20% bodyfat in a few months. He has since become a certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Coach. Understanding what the body needs to maximize performance whether he is running a race, competing in triathalons, or preparing for 15-20 day backpack backcountry hunts help insure he achieves full potential. Year around gym time, training, scouting, and spending time in the outdoors with family maintain that healthy lifestyle to keep "mountain" ready! He is on pro-staff for Sitka Gear, HECS, and ElkNut Outdoor Productions. When he is not chasing down something with stick and string, rifle, or muzzleloader he can be found spending time hunting, fishing, camping, or something of the like with his family. You will also see him at many of the RMEF events as he is Chapter chair in Wisconsin.
- Howard Mee
Howard was born and raised in Northwest Montana, still-hunting whitetail in the thick timber and chasing grouse. He's since added spring turkeys, roaring bull elk, and big mule deer to the list of what makes him giddy. However, it's big muley bucks that are his true passion. If Howard has a "specialty," it is timbered-up mountain mule deer. A little glassing, a little sitting, and a lot of hiking, tracking, and still-hunting are what it takes to find what Howard considers God's greatest gift to the hunter: the mature mule deer. Howard still resides in Northwest Montana along with his wife, Anna, and their five kidlets. As a family, they love to spend as much time outdoors as possible, hunting everything that is legal to hunt.
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- Jim Carr
Jim Carr lives in North Idaho with his awesome wife Jenny and their four wonderful-beautiful daughters. Jim is a Drilling Fluids Engineer but also works professionally as a Wildlife Scout. While he loves the whole process of hunting, he’s a self-described scout-a-holic, and is always on the search for what is over the next hill. There aren’t many places in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming Jim hasn’t scouted. Several of his articles are in the top 10 of Rokslide's most read. Jim especially loves any country that has good habitat with no roads or trails. His biggest problem is there are too many good hunting options and he can’t ever seem to settle on one. To be on a high ridge overlooking several high-country basins at first light is his favorite place to be, and spot-n-stalk his favorite method to hunt. Jim will use any weapon to give himself more hunting opportunity. His favorite big game are mule deer and elk but really any species will do if he can be out in the field. Jim is already introducing his daughters to the hunting life. Annabelle took three elk her first year of hunting, and now his 10-year daughter Emmaline is ready to get after it. Above all else he serves his Lord and Savior Jesus.
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- Meet
ZachZach HeroldZach HeroldZach went on his first hunting trip when he was two years old by riding in the saddle panniers to go with his dad to pack out an elk. From that day on, hunting progressively turned into a way of life rather than just a hobby. Zach now hunts multiple states a year for deer, elk, antelope, and black bear. He owns and operates Battle Mountain Media which allows him to film, edit, and podcast for Major TV shows and well-known companies. Zach is a father of two boys, a husband, and loves nothing more than going on an adventure with his family. He loves putting gear through the paces, giving informative reviews, and passing along tips and tactics that can help you be better on your next adventure.
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MikeMike MooreMike MooreMike was born and raised in Upstate New York, chasing whitetails, grouse, and small game. After high school, he packed it up and headed West to fulfill his dream of being a game warden. He ended up in Northwest Montana, alternating between going to college and logging to afford college. This is where he met his wife, now married for 42 years with two daughters and two grandchildren.
After four years in the Air Force, he could return to college full-time and secure his degree in Wildlife Biology. Mike was hired as a Montana Game Warden in 1989, fulfilling a lifelong dream. He served 24 years with the Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, retiring as Captain.
“I feel very fortunate to have worked these past years for the hunters of our state, protecting our most vital resources.”
Mike is an avid big hunter and prefers backcountry hunting to all other endeavors. He backpacks all year long and dabbles in multi-day adventure races. This passion has led to keeping a close eye on outdoor clothing and gear advancements. Now retired in Central Montana, Mike can devote considerable time traveling in the backcountry year-round.
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