Hey Roksliders,
I just spent a big chunk of September hunting a particular mule deer buck I’d found earlier this summer. It was a muzzleloader hunt in early-season conditions and “patterns”–one of my favorite times and ways to hunt.
I self-filmed most if it so you can take a peek into how I approach a mule deer buck hunt like this and maybe pull some tips & tactics that could help you take your next big mule deer.
Above is the Film Trailer. It’ll take me a few weeks to finish the full film edit (it should land right around the 30-minute mark), so in the meantime, enjoy the trailer!
I’ll post up the final version right here on the Rok Blog, so be sure and subscribe at the right hand side of this blog post at “Keep up with Rokslide” so you receive instant notice.
Rokslide members can discuss this trailer here
Read more about all-things-mule-deer-hunting in my book, Hunting Big Mule Deer. Signed copies are available in the Rokslide store, or you can go Amazon for faster delivery.