Zermatt Origin LA bottom metal advice


Sep 24, 2023
Hey Roksliders!
So over time I have been purchasing rifle components to do my first custom build. Currently I have a Zermatt Arms Origin Long Action, 22” proof research barrel chambered in 7 PRC, Manners EH1 M5 Inlet, and a Trigger Tech Special trigger. Next I need to purchase a bottom metal. I was looking at the Hawkins Precision Hunter DBM, but I’ve read that the Hunter DBM requires “gunsmithing” to work with an Origin action. Does anyone have some experience with this? I was also looking at the Hawkins M5 Oberndorf. I’m just looking for what gives the best reliability and no feeding issues. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Ask Bighorn but the Origin should be fine with a BDL floor plate.

The TL3 is the problem child with a BDL/ADL situation.

When they cut actions if they cut them to work with AICS magazines they don't work very well with BDL situations.
Have you contacted Zermatt and asked them. I've seen information on the web that says early model Origin actions were not compatible, but the later ones were machined to accept the larger mag. Yours might be good to go already.

I'd contact Ray at Zermatt and see if it's already cut for the longer mag.

If it doesn't have the extended cut any other M5 bottom metal that accepts AICS mags will work.
I use the Hawkins M5 Oberndorf with a Wyatt's mag box ad follower on a LA SR3 in 280 ai and it works very well. I think (but not 100% sure) that the Origin and SR3 are similar with respect to the feed lips etc. I'm guessing you may need a different Wyatt's mag box than what I am using but that's easy.
M5 oberndorf bdl with wyatts center feed mag box, or hawkins hunter dbm with hawkins prc mags(or 3rd mdt poly mags). I run the hawkins hunter setup without issue on Zermatt short and medium actions.
Thanks for all the input! I talked with customer service at Hawkins Precision today, they said the Zermatt Origin Action does require some minor work to be done by a gunsmith to run the Hawkings Hunter DBM. So I will talk to the gunsmith that is going to assemble everything for me and see if hes comfortable with it.
I have two Origin LA's. The 270 has a BDL floor plate and the 280AI has a M5 setup.

They both feed reliably. The problem I have with the BLD is getting the magazine loaded. The design of the Origin ejection port makes it hard to easily load from the top.

I don't know about the Hawkins. Because I hated the BDL so much, I ordered one but it did not fit in my stock inlet.

I ended up buying a stock with the M5 inlet. It works perfectly fine, but would much rather have a flush bottom.
Hello! Generally some minor gunsmithing is required to get older Zermatt actions to fit correctly with our Hunter bottom metals. What needs to be done can vary, so we recommend having a gunsmith take a look at your action and give you their recommendation. Zermatt has made changes to both the TL and Origin line to makes everything work.

Here's the breakdown -


Feel free to give us a call if you have any questions!

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I put together this exact rifle for a buddy a few months ago. Zermatt LA, proof 22” prefit, manners EH1,Hawkins hunter dbm. I made no modifications to anything and it’s been running perfectly for 500ish rounds.