Zeiss SF 8X42 vs Swaro 8.5x42 EL'S


Nov 25, 2018
southern oregon
I have decided that one of these two will be my next purchase, but have read every review I can, and still can't decide. Looking at them in a store does no real good. Anyone used both of these and prefer one over the other? I also have a stigmatism and far sighted, but usually don't wear my glasses when hunting, as it doesn't make a huge difference. I know I can't go wrong with either, just wish I knew someone that had a pair close to me to check out in the real world.
Thanks for any input.
Feb 1, 2018
I just picked up a new pair of Zeiss SF in 10x42. I had the Swaro EL 10x42 prior. For my eyes the Zeiss blow the ELs out of the water. They are really clear and crisp, have a very forgiving eye box, and the ergonomics are better for me vs the ELs. I had issues with blackouts on the ELs whereas on the Zeiss I do not.

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Jan 16, 2020
To my eyes the Swarovski EL’s are sharp to the very edge as where the SF has the slightest drop off in sharpness near the edges, but is still superb. It is really only noticed when compared side-by-side. Both are excellent.

The EL’s show more of a cooler/bluer color contrast, where the SF’s have a slightly greener/yellow color contrast. Again, both are excellent still.

The real deciding factor for me is ergonomics. The EL‘s simply feel heavier. With the balance of the SF‘s I can hold them up significantly longer and prefer how they feel in the hand.

All of this is 100% subjective and I am willing many others will argue every point I make. To be frank, I actually prefer the SF’s to the NL’s as well…


Jan 22, 2022
Hey jrock, did you make a decision? I'm a long time user of the SF's 8x42 and considering switching to the EL 8.5x42. SF's will feel lighter (because they are) but also the weight balance is better, they are more on the eyepiece.

Unfortunately all the advice and forums in the world wont help you here - you have to get these each in your hand and use them in different situations. Then just pick which feels better overall. As you mentioned, both great glass. Build quality is going to be better with EL's, color rendition will be more accurate, where as SF will have a better, larger focus that is easier to use with large gloves when hunting.

Tough decision. Let me know if you have any specific questions with the SF 8x42, I'll do my best to help out. In the mean time good luck and try not to stress about it as much as I do over binocular decisions!
