Apparently, the mountains of CO are filled with people more than happy to help you pack out an elk, so just “go deep”, kill an elk and wait for the cavalry.
I tipped over a moose less than 200 yards from a dirt road that had some gravel in spots. Just after sunrise. One guy showed up out of three that were offering to help "if things worked out" on day I filled the tag. My brother ditched the hunt less than a week prior. No outfitters had licenses for the unit. Not my plan to be solo but was so asked around if anyone up for going along or to pack meat. Was my problem to solve so no issue with people having other tasks. Just pointing out that the best intentions don't result in a group of packers showing up giving you high fives even if close to the truck. You likely are more fun at a party than me so take my caution with a grain of salt. I do have envelopes full of money to balance out my abrasiveness.
This is hilarious!I’ve had guys from back East come into my camp and tell me they had an elk down and to come help. They didn’t ask, just saw the CO license plate and told me to help. There were 4 of them. I asked if someone was hurt or in trouble, they just said “no. It’s just too big for us to carry out.” I suggested they quarter it, to which they replied “no shit. Let’s go”. Not the best strategy.
I’ve had guys from back East come into my camp and tell me they had an elk down and to come help. They didn’t ask, just saw the CO license plate and told me to help. There were 4 of them. I asked if someone was hurt or in trouble, they just said “no. It’s just too big for us to carry out.” I suggested they quarter it, to which they replied “no shit. Let’s go”. Not the best strategy.