Wyoming Non-Resident YOUTH Archery Draw Strategy


Aug 27, 2014
Central Iowa
After encountering high hunter numbers in our old stand by unit in Colorado the past few years, I am researching other options for an elk hunt for my son for an archery elk hunt in 2023. I am doing all of the research with multiple states and have some questions specific to Wyoming YOUTH NR Elk draw strategy.

If there is someone with up to date knowledge specific to Wyoming NR Youth Elk that would be willing to send me a private message, I would appreciate it. Not looking for spots, just draw to get clarity on his draw strategy to make sure I’m on the right track.

My work hours are odd so it could be hours to days before I can respond.

Thanks for taking the time.😉👍
As far as I know there is nothing different that separates the kids from the adults in the draw. The only thing is if he gets drawn in the regular the fees are about half for an elk permit. It will take +4 pref points to guarantee a elk permit this year in the reg draw.
Thanks for the input, I appreciate it. That is what I thought I was reading but wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something.😉👍
Okay, so to add to my question. I have 5 PP, my son has one. If we apply as a group we would be going in with an average of 3, correct? Sounds like we are behind the average for a general tag with no real odds of drawing, correct?

With that knowledge, would there be any benefit of applying as a group or should I just put him in with one PP and take a far shot on the Random Draw? Or are we wasting our time entirely?

I really don’t need to draw a tag for myself, I want to focus on him. But if I can up his odds of drawing by applying as a group I’d do that. But it looks as if we are a year behind for a General tag.
I have 5 PP, my son has one. If we apply as a group we would be going in with an average of 3, correct? Sounds like we are behind the average for a general tag with no real odds of drawing, correct?
Yes, WY averages points when applying as a group, so your group would have 3. In WY's system you always have a chance to draw in the random pass for a general tag. Odds in the regular last year at 3 points wasn't great, but heck 8% is better odds than half the tags I apply for every year. Special draw ups your odds if you have the cash. Your call whether that's worth your time and money or not.
FYI Special draw means special price for both you and your son. The youth price only applies to the regular draw
If you only want a tag for your son, just have him apply. You applying with him as a group will not increase his odds in the random draw. Avg of 3 won't be enough in the Reg PP draw, which I'm assuming you will choose for the youth pricing.
Great point by @Jethro. My post was confusing, sorry about that. Apply as a group with 3 points if you want the chance to draw in the point pass (not out of the realm of possibility in the special). Random pass in WY is truly random and not affected by your points, unlike some other states like AZ and UT.
Ive said it before.... lose the horn porn and hunt Wyoming every year.

Up to you to do the research and find out where