W bikini frame long hunter lid and back pouch
I have a good condition bikini frame in coyote with med belt regular contoured 26 composite stays.
Comes with new long hunter lid in multicam and kifaru back pouch in multicam.
$315 tyd
Splitting up
Bikini $230 spf to northernpiker
Longhunter $60 spf to northernpiker
Back pouch $45 sold
Email for photos erikjrec at g mail dot com
I have a good condition bikini frame in coyote with med belt regular contoured 26 composite stays.
Comes with new long hunter lid in multicam and kifaru back pouch in multicam.
$315 tyd
Splitting up
Bikini $230 spf to northernpiker
Longhunter $60 spf to northernpiker
Back pouch $45 sold
Email for photos erikjrec at g mail dot com
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