will your new kifaru be delivered before your big hunting trip?


Jan 28, 2015
Just thought i would throw this out there... maybe i just got lucky, but i double checked with kifaru CS and was quoted a lead time of 2 - 2.5 weeks for a frame and pack.
ordered on monday morning (10-1), got shipping notification this morning (10-5).

So if your on the fence about making an order because you might not get it in time for a hunt this fall, give CS a call and see what they say!

good hunting everyone
Just thought i would throw this out there... maybe i just got lucky, but i double checked with kifaru CS and was quoted a lead time of 2 - 2.5 weeks for a frame and pack.
ordered on monday morning (10-1), got shipping notification this morning (10-5).

So if your on the fence about making an order because you might not get it in time for a hunt this fall, give CS a call and see what they say!

good hunting everyone

That's awesome. I ordered my LPP on Tuesday and they assured me it would be shipped within a week. Hopefully that's true.
I was worried that the Universal Gun Bearer I ordered wouldn't be here in time. I called them and asked to pay for their fastest shipping option which the CS rep said would put it in my mailbox the day before my hunt. It showed up within 3 days, and a whole week before my trip. Kifaru's CS is as good as their products.
I ordered a frame and the new lid with the compartments on September 24th and came home to find the box sitting at my front door today. With the slowest shipping.
Yep..same results here. I ordered 3 belt pouches and a gun bearer attachment...had them in a week. Now granted, those are pretty common items, but ive made three different orders now, and have nothing but good things to say so far. Cant wait to try my new (to me) kifaru pack and frame that I bought used off this site. I ordered the three belt pouches to add to it directly from kifaru.
Kifaru tries to under promise and over deliver. They’re not perfect but they try very hard to be as good as can be. I have had them go above and beyond to help make a product arrive in time for a hunt regardless of my lack of planning. They’re a small company with people who actually use their own products and understand.
They are the standard by which all others are measured. That's not saying other companies do not do as well. But, Kifaru set the bar and, continues to ensure they meet those expectations.