Which ZebraLight Hedlamp do y'all use?

Sep 23, 2019
I think I am between getting the H502W L2 AA Flood Headlamp and the H52Fw AA Floody Headlamp.

Some things I am interested in with the headlamp are being able to use AA batteries for ease of use. Long run time on low settings as I will be backpacking for a week. I am not sure whether hunters prefer Flood a or Floody type beam. I am just used to the cheap walmart ones that break after every season and finally want to upgrade this Christmas.

Also, I noticed these do not have a green or red light filter. Is this approach to using white light make that big of an impact on the game? Or is that all kinda blown out of proportion in order to sell more bells and whistles.
H600 variations in both spot and floody, dependent on expected use. The 18650 battery gives you long run times on low and big output on high.

Esse quam videri

I like the H600s, as well.

As far as color, I prefer the green over the red. I can see my bright eyes better with the green. For this I use the Streamlight green trident headlamp. It uses 3AAA batteries and they last me a long time.
I've got an early H52w; the later ones had a more aggressive design. Mine is mostly flat with just a couple flat grooves where the bands holding it to the strap go around. I carry it as an EDC and then throw it into the headband for activities when I want a headlamp. I don't think any of the Zebralights would be a bad choice for the versatility; just pick your battery platform.