Which zebra light?

I've never used the High CRI models, but that seems like a good choice if you like a spot beam. I just picked up an H600w and absolutely love it. Haven't had a chance to hike with it in the dark yet, but the adjustability and brightness it can put out is amazing. The programming does take a bit to really learn (if you want to mess with it). It probably took me a few hours messing with the light and googling to get it set up the way I want. Let me know if you have any questions when you get it as I just went though it about a month ago.
Its a good one....one of my favorites

I did a thread on these a couple years ago, "Happy Headlamp to me" with a bunch of comparison info......

I've had that model last on one battery for a whole 2 week hunt.....though I would bring a backup.

The High CRI is the way to go....blood trails pop.

The Spot versions give me a little bit of queasy motion sickness type feeling on long hikes in the dark....the flood beam doesn't

Decided to buy a zebra light ......

This is my pick so far.

Any cons to this light? I do prefer a spot beam vs flood. Appreciate any input.


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I have both lights except they are Fc versions, and several others. First pick is the high CRI that you have listed second.

Fc is the "floody" beam, which is a fantastic hiking and camp light. Nice flood spill and a decent hot spot. Will light up your whole world for 100 yards or so on the highest setting. PM or post here if you need any help programming.

If you want a true thrower, it won't be a a Zebralight.
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Its a good one....one of my favorites

I did a thread on these a couple years ago, "Happy Headlamp to me" with a bunch of comparison info......

I've had that model last on one battery for a whole 2 week hunt.....though I would bring a backup.

The High CRI is the way to go....blood trails pop.

The Spot versions give me a little bit of queasy motion sickness type feeling on long hikes in the dark....the flood beam doesn't

How far would you say the flood beam reaches while you're hiking?

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How will you use the flashlight and what do you want from it? Zebralight makes fantastic flashlights but it depends on wht you'll use it for. There are other flashlights that have a longer distance, more narrow beam. For example, the Tiablo A-9 Throw King with an aspheric lens (Collimator) can put a spot on a subject that is very focused and can throw that beam a long distance.

About halfway down the discussion linked below on candlepowerforums you will see a section called "Outdoor Beamshots". It will show pictures of the beamshot of the A-9 with no ashperic lens and then with the aspheric lens and you can see for yourself what it looks like at night. I've never seen anything like it before.

Main use for the light is hiking at night and also possibly cleaning up / breaking down an animal after dark. Some light use around camp.

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The A-9 would not be the one I'd suggest for that. It's for spotting what is walking towards camp 75 yards away.

Your choice of Zebralights is a good one.
Thanks for the good info, guys. Been wanting a zebra light for a while and the back and forth above really helped me pick one out!