Which scope for a new muzzleloader?

Aug 17, 2015
Looking at upgrading my muzzleloader for next season, and also need a new scope for it. Right now, I use a Bushnell Trophy XLT that costs about $100, so I would definitely like a higher quality scope on my new gun, as I feel like thats probably my weakest point in my setup right now.

I would like a drop compensating reticle, but I don't like the circles like Nikon scopes have.

Here's a few Ive been looking at..Would like some opinions and/or other suggestions.

-Leupold VX-3 3.5-10 x 40mm - $600
-Burris Fullfield 2 3-9 x 40mm - $200
-Vortex Viper 3-9 x 40mm - $300
-Burris C4 3-9 x 40mm with the custom turrets - $349
I'm new to scoped shooting and I'm not a long range guy, so my standards and experience in that regard are pretty low, so keep that in mind.

I have the Burris full field II, 2-7x on both my ML and 7mm08. At $150 each, it's been a great introductory scope for me. I have no complaints. The ballistic reticle works out just about perfect for my 7mm08, but I haven't checked it past 100 yds for the ML. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't hesitate.

I haven't tried any of the others you list, so I can't compare and contrast for you. There should be plenty of others who will come along shortly with vastly more experience than me to help you out.
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I have a Burris Fullfield II 3-9x40 on my son's 7mm-08. He has used it successfully to take animals at 240 yard (antelope), 360 yards (cow elk), 477 yards (Mule Deer) and again this year at 130 yards (mule deer). He has also used the Ballistic Plex to cleanly harvest "rocks" at well past 500 yards.

I have a Burris Signature Select 3.5-10x40 with the BP reticle. On my 7 mag I used that scope to cleanly harvest elk at 382, 454, 200, 374, 482 and 576 yards. I also cleanly harvested deer with the 7-08 and this scope at 384, 325 and 290. Daughter used my 7-08 this year with the Burris Signature on it and cleanly harvested her first animal, a large cow elk, at 260 yards.

I used a Vortex Diamond Back 3-9x40 with BDC reticle, on my younger son's 7mm-08 (used to be my rifle, but he earned it from me with his Eagle Scout) on an antelope at 421 yards. He used it on his first big game animal this fall as well, a cow elk at 136 yards.

I have been very pleased with the Burris' and like the optics on the Vortex, but the eye relief is a bit short. I will tell you that my older boy missed a very large buck, his second season of hunting, first animal to ever be able to shoot at, at 310 yards while using his Burris scope and the 7mm-08 (Browning ABolt II). Why? We have our thoughts. Mostly boils down to the fact that I didn't range the deer correctly (hit a large sagebrush behind them about 50 yards) and gave him the wrong yardage, and he had not turned the scope up to 9x and so the appropriate hash mark caused him to shoot over the deer. He had a dead rest and seemed calm, until he fired the first shot and then he started shaking like crazy :D. It was awesome, although it was sad that we did not harvest that buck, he still talks about how it was dad's fault and not his. :rolleyes:

That is the only thing negative about the BP drop compensating type of reticles. The fact that you must be at the max power or a specific power for the lines to line up correctly. When you remember this must be done, they are very effective tools. When this is forgotten, they can cause some heartache.

I now have a Zeiss Conquest 3-9x40 with the Target Elevation MOA turret installed on my 7mm Mag. I can hit rocks out to 800 yards very easily with it, but have not had an opportunity to hunt with it yet. I also have a Leupold VX2 3-9x40 with the CDS reticle on my Kimber 325 WSM and havne't had an opportunity to harvest anything with it yet either, although I have been trying for the past few weeks on an elk. They just haven't cooperated.

I have just picked up another Burris Fullfield that will either go on my youngest son's rifle and sell off the Vortex, or it will go on my Muzzleloader now that I can use a magnified scope hunting with a ML in Utah. I also picked up another Leupold VX2 with CDS that will likely go on my new 7-08 and I will sell the Burris Signature. I don't know yet. Haven't made up my mind, but I like the BP reticles a lot, but see the benefits of the turret systems, especially for me.

I love the Vortex Viper scopes I have seen. They are great optics in my opinion. That said, I won't buy another Vortex Diamondback due to the very short eye relief. Burris is noticeably better in this regard. The Leupold is WAY BETTER in the eye relief department. The optics are not better than the Vortex's though. At least that is my opinion.

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By the way, I feel the same way regarding the stupid Nikon circles. They are horrible....to me anyway. Nice enough optics, I just hate the circles. Hashes all the way for me, unless it is a duplex reticle and turrets.
Thanks for the detailed response Firehawk. I am glad to hear that you have had good luck with Burris. The C4 is slowly creeping to the top of my list. The more I think about custom turrets, the more I like that idea. The Burris scope is also a few hundred dollars cheaper than a VX-3. I don't mind spending the extra money if the scope I'm getting is that much better, but it sounds like the Burris will suit me just fine.
Fairly new to vortex with 8x42 razor binos first purchase, very happy. Recently picked up a diamondback 3x9 with AO for a rimfire project, very happy and would put it up to my 3x9 EFR leupold. With the extra hundred bucks to spend on another project......