What's in your wallet, er, pocket?

Feb 21, 2017
Some folks call it their EDC or every day carry. Not on your belt, not in your pack, not 45 pounds of bespoke B.S. that people post to look cool on the internet.

What is in your pockets every day that you are in the field? Mine is pretty simple. I keep enough T.P. To get through a day, a lighter, headlamp with whistle, a pocket knife, a few aqua mira tabs, and chapstick with a bit of Leuko tape wrapped on it. Some of this is stored in a quart sized ziplock. I figure this will get me through most rough times on the hill if everything else fails or gets lost.

What's in your last ditch survival kit/ everyday use kit?IMG_0354.jpg


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
All the stuff you mentioned is in my pack when I'm out. Actually in my pockets will be elk diaphragms in the "pocket" around my neck (along with the one in my mouth all day long), my tags/DL/money/CC in another "pocket" around my neck, my RF in my shirt pocket with the lanyard around my neck, in my front pants pocket are 2 pieces of orange flagging tape to immediately mark where I shot from and where the animal was standing when hit, in one of my cargo pockets will be Windicator and a watch, and in the other will be a couple cow reeds.
Dec 27, 2012
I have a spyderco knife, chapstick, lighter, and a rhino. My wallet is in my RR pocket and my cell is usually in my LR pocket.
Jul 31, 2018
Central Colorado
In my pockets I’ve got my diaphragm case, small multi tool, headlamp, phone (for onX and photos), a handkerchief, and a little flagging. In my emergency kit, which lives in my pack, I have a SOL mag striker, two lighters, a ring saw and 6 fire cubes; a set of hand warmers; a signal mirror; 8 Aqua Mira tabs; 3 AAA batteries (headlamp); and electrical tape.


Aug 11, 2014
I carry a lot of this in my bino harness because I only ever take it off to sleep. A lot of the same as what's posted above, knife, TP, small spare flashlight, a bit of cord, windchecker, optics cloth, inReach Mini, phone etc.

For a fire starting kit I have a a few stormproof matches taped in plastic with the striker taped to the outside with quite a few excess wraps of gorilla tape so I have some extra tape too. And then also a small fire starter I make with a vaseline cotton ball sealed on a vac sealer in butcher paper, the whole thing lights up easily like a wick and burns for a while. It's low profile and I have these stashed in a few spots for just in case.

I don't put in any water purification because if I don't have my pack I won't have any water container anyways and at that point in desperation I'm just going to drink water and hope I get out of the hills before intestinal distress sets in.

If I'm rifle hunting I also stash a spare round in my bino harness, the FHF harnesses have an easy spot for this and it doesn't take much imagination to realize a situation where that last shell might be needed.