What goes in your survival/emergency kit?

Feb 26, 2012
Annapolis, MD
I know that this is a mountain hunting site so let's keep this on topic and in scope for mountain hunting rather than east coast or midwest areas. Having said that, 1) what do you each include in your “survival kit” and 2) how do you decide what to put in it?

For me, I always look for something to address each of the following needs: fire, shelter, water, signaling, food, and tools. My decisions also are based on the idea that if I am in a survival situation then I am probably injured in some way and can’t move around alot. For that reason I only include things to keep me safe, warm, and dry in a single location. Although they are good skills to have, I do not include things to fish with or to set snares/traps with in my survival kit, since I cannot count on being able to do those things.

So, let’s hear how everyone does it and learn from each other.

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Mar 21, 2012
Missoula, MT
1) Duct tape, super glue, lighter/matches, space blanket, advil/aspirin.
2) I keep it pretty light and simple. If an injury or situation is so severe that I can't fix it with the items listed above, then I'm in big trouble.
Feb 24, 2012
Rochester Hills, MI
Duct tape, Moleskin, super glue, 3 patches of 4x6 gauze. Aspirin, ibuprofen, Neosporin packets, vionexx wipes, tweezers, space blanket, 1 bic lighter, cotton balls/vaseline, chapstick, fireproof matches, whistle. Fits in a small kifaru UL pull out. I have a separate kit for just fire starting in general with firesteel and a bic.


Apr 6, 2012
Luckily I go with guys who have access to some suture supplies we bring along, and have used before. Also I bring a small "combat gauze"....quickclot. Also bring along advil, butterfly bandages, duct tape, super glue & immodium. Sometimes I bring a tourniquet, and I always have a lightweight space blanket. Often times it's not always what you bring in your pack that are "emergency" supplies if you just leave them in basecamp and don't hump them up the mountain. Very rarely do I go up the mountain without those said items, and an emergency shelter/bivy and usually my sleeping bag.


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Feb 26, 2012
Wasilla, Alaska
Our first aid kit, which includes the usual bandages, band aids and tape, antibiotic ointment, alcohol swabs, ace wrap, dermabond (surgical glue), tweezers/scissors and medications (Tylenol, ibuprofen, Benadryl and some prescription pain pills we had left after other procedures). One of us is always carrying fire starting materials including esbit tabs and a lighter, as well as miscellaneous paracord, a headlamp, toilet paper (can be used as a bandage in an emergency) and sewing kit. We also bring our emergency shelter (SL 3) and insulating layers (Supercub jackets and Compressor Pants) as well as rain gear, since in AK cold/wet weather is the exception rather than the rule. When we leave the tent for the day, I typically pack up twice as many day snacks as I think we will need...if we end up bivying out overnight we might be a little hungry, but we aren't going to starve.

The sad truth is that in the event of debilitating illness or injury, there isn't much in the way of equipment that you can carry to solve the problem. This is why we never leave the tent without our Sat phone. You hope you never have to call for a rescue, but when you or another member of your party is sick or injured to the point they can't walk out, there is no substitute for two way communication.

G Posik

Mar 1, 2012
Duct tape, Moleskin, super glue, 3 patches of 4x6 gauze. Aspirin, ibuprofen, Neosporin packets, vionexx wipes, tweezers, space blanket, 1 bic lighter, cotton balls/vaseline, chapstick, fireproof matches, whistle. Fits in a small kifaru UL pull out. I have a separate kit for just fire starting in general with firesteel and a bic.

This pretty much covers mine except I have a muscle relaxer and 3 really good pain pills.



Feb 26, 2012
Colorado Springs,CO
I used to carry a pretty good kit, but have reduced it to duct tape, a few bandages, mole skin, ibuprofen, aleve, paracord, cottonballs/vaseline, 2 bic lighters, the ultimate survival technologies blastmatch firestarter, a multitool, cabelas crosslock knife with saw blade, compass, electrical tape, flagging tape.

I always carry more food than needed, more water than needed, and an extra layer in case I need to spend the night out somewhere.

Worst mistake I've ever made was leaving the truck without my pack because I thought it would just be a short walk.....things can get "western" in a hurry in some places...