In the 90s I made my own game bags, and have tried a number since then. Last year I used the Koola Buck bags, and I will have to say the antibacterial liquid they are drenched in works darn well. It keeps flies away and the bags are sturdy enough to hang boned out meat in the NM shade. HOWEVER, if I looked at my scale correctly they weigh 679 pounds per package ha ha.
If I am fortunate enough to get an elk, I almost always debone the meat. I am looking for a sturdy bag and will probably try some of the Koola Buck spray this year. I use to pack black pepper, but would like to just go with light bags and the spray in my pack while in New Mexico. In that heat, time is critical and there isn’t enough time to go back to camp or the truck to get anything If you want to take care of your meat.
If I am fortunate enough to get an elk, I almost always debone the meat. I am looking for a sturdy bag and will probably try some of the Koola Buck spray this year. I use to pack black pepper, but would like to just go with light bags and the spray in my pack while in New Mexico. In that heat, time is critical and there isn’t enough time to go back to camp or the truck to get anything If you want to take care of your meat.