What bino harness for small frames and some padding

I had a badlands harness before dumping it for a Marsupial. So far that was the better choice. The marsupial is more compact but still has the features I need (side pockets and a front pocket). It's also more comfortable when I'm wearing my pack. I'm dropping 12x50's in the marsupial.
Outdoor vision. Nothing is more streamlined to the chest. I’ve never liked a suitcase strapped to my front like a chest pack or rig. I guess lots of guys do. But, none mentioned are more low profile or, even close to being as low profile as an outdoor vision harness. Made in the USA as well
I really like my marsupials, the pockets are small, but for what I carry that isn’t an issue. My wife like to carry a little more in her harness so she has a badlands set that works pretty well also.