What am I missing? WY Turkeys


Mar 9, 2012
Laporte - CO
My uncle has been after me to come up and try for a turkey on his place in eastern Wyoming along the Laramie River. So I have been trying to figure out how to get a tag and the WY website leaves a bit to be desired - or maybe the CO website just makes it too easy.

So far I have figured out the tag costs $72 for a non res, the draw closes on 1/31, season opens 4/13 and I would be hunting in unit 4.
But I am still trying to figure out a few things:
-I believe the tag for unit 4 is a General tag but still needs to be drawn - Is this correct? Or can I just buy a tag OTC like CO?
-Are the General tags limited to a specific area or valid in any of the General tag areas?
-Do I need to get any other licenses such as small game or habitat stamp?
-Do I need to do anything special if I want to hunt with my bow or is that only for big/trophy game?
-When does the season close?



Nov 5, 2012
Laurel, MT
You still have to apply for a General tag, but they are unlimited in number. The General tags are good for any General area. You will also have to buy a Conservation Stamp that is valid for the entire year. They cost $12.50. You don't need any other stamps/permits to bow hunt turkeys. The season dates have not been set yet, the April 13 opener listed on the website is a tentative date. For reference, last spring (2012) the season opened April 14 and closed May 20. I just noticed that Area 4 was limited quota last spring, but looks like it will be GEN this year. You'll want to confirm this when the final regulations come out.