Glad to hear the people abusing the LO tags in WY and violating the law getting slapped.
As to the LO tag program in Wyoming, I think its a good program for the most part. The reason I support it, is a couple fold.
1. The LO tags are only transferable to immediate family.
2. The landowners in Wyoming are very tolerant and supportive of wildlife for the most part.
Unlike many other states, most Wyoming landowners not only support wildlife on their property but encourage wildlife to remain there. There are also landowners that enroll their private property in the WIA/HMA program and there is some very good to great hunting on some of those properties. Unlike MT's BMP, the GF handles all the permission slips, drawings for permission slips etc.
Because of these reasons, and because animals are transient and use different LO's property at different times of the year, I would oppose limiting landowner tags to the specific LO's land. For example, if it keeps a landowner happy that winters a few hundred elk, deer, or pronghorn on their property, to give them a unit wide tag...that's a no brainer, IMO.
Where I part company with LO tags is when they become transferable to anyone and simply sold to outfitters or the highest bidder. That changes everything. The landowners in Wyoming know its probably best to not push the issue as Wyoming Sportsmen, and many of the landowners as well, would fight fully transferable LO tags with gusto...