Lightly used Tikka factory T3X stock and bottom metal. Minor storage wear in places (worst spot pictured). I was going to mod the bottom metal to also take AICS mags per the thread below, but ended up going with another stock.
$129 shipped CONUS (HI/AK a bit more). Prefer Paypal F&F but will take personal checks from established members. Thanks.
Tikka CTR 3-round flush mags/ convert CTR metal to accept both Tikka and AICS mags
I saw this recently mentioned in a different thread, and the guy who apparently concocted this mod, @Shooter71 , told me how to do it--so I can't take any credit but thought I would pass this on for anyone interested. I believe he does this professionally so if interested I would hit him up...
$129 shipped CONUS (HI/AK a bit more). Prefer Paypal F&F but will take personal checks from established members. Thanks.