New to this site and have loved the information and reviews I have read so far. Many of you have far more experience than I do backpack hunting, so wanted to get your opinions on the pros and cons of of hammocks as a shelter option. My wife bought me a Clark's Jungle Hammock (I have the North American Model: http://www.junglehammock.com/models/northamerican/index.php) a year and a half ago and I took it on a Wyoming elk hunt this past fall. I wasn't sure how I would sleep in the hammock since I sleep on my side generally, but I actually slept far better in the hammock than I do in a tent. The hammock also kept me warm and dry as it is fully enclosed and has a rain tarp option also. It is very light, no poles, easy to set up, and takes up far less space than a tent. It seems like a great backpacking option, but I never see or hear much about them on forums like this one.
Besides the obvious downside of a hammock being essentially useless if you don't have 2 good trees to work with, what are the pros and cons of hammocks and what is your experience with them?
Besides the obvious downside of a hammock being essentially useless if you don't have 2 good trees to work with, what are the pros and cons of hammocks and what is your experience with them?