The Swarovski spotting scope problem STS 65 versus STX 65


Jun 13, 2019
I have an Swarovski STS 65 with both the HD "wide angle" and regular eye pieces.

I spent some time behind a STX 65 and I don't think its a better product.

Being an eye glass wearer and super blind 20-450 in both eyes. I didn't see where it was any better than what I had. With the BTX unit on, all that nonsense went away.

One of the things I hate about mine with both the standard 20-60 eye piece and the 25-50 eye piece is that do not offer enough eye relief for someone like me to not have to hunt for the image at 20 or 25 power. At 60 or 50 power it really brings on the suck factor.

Has anyone used one of the bigger Japanese spotters that have a huge rear lens, how do they compare in eye relief. My other spotter is Japanese but was made in the 2000's (Brunton) and it is actually worse.
Thanks I knew I wasn’t alone. The kid is Sportsmans Warehouse was the one that told me that the Stx wasn’t any better than the STS kind of shocked but I agree.
I had that problem with the 25-50 in my ATS. More of the “kidney bean” people speak of.

Although I haven’t tried the STX/BTX, I really prefer the 25-60 eyepiece on the Kowa. I didn’t have to “head hunt” to find the sweet spot anywhere in the zoom range.

It’s just there and it’s wide.
I’m thinking your eyes will have issues with all spotting scopes.

I will second the Kowa experience though being better to get behind without searching, just don’t get the 55mm Kowa.
I’m thinking your eyes will have issues with all spotting scopes.

I will second the Kowa experience though being better to get behind without searching, just don’t get the 55mm Kowa.

This is true.
My wife has bad eyes, with a terrible astigmatism in one. She enjoys using spotting scopes though, so I just solve that issue by giving her my phone to digiscope with. Much easier to look at a phone screen with two eyes then look through a spotter with one.
The ATX/STX series is wonderful, but I've always thought that the ATS/STS HD was very comparable. Same goes with comparing the Leica APO series to the ATX/STX.
At some point these things are subject to the viewer's eyes and many simply can't decipher the subtle differences.
I didn't think the STS was comparable I thought it was better. At least with the 65mm objective.

I'd love a 80-100mm front objective.

A friend of mine in Australia is the rep for Swarovski/Kahles in Canberra. He agrees with me, he has both a personal ATS 65, and has a demo ATX 65 he uses as a sales piece.

The X series comes into it's own as a 85plus BTX.

I'll eventually sell it and buy a BTX or maybe a Kowa. I have zero experience with the Kowa of any size. I'd like to go someplace that has a ton of them and give them a workout.
I’m thinking your eyes will have issues with all spotting scopes.

I will second the Kowa experience though being better to get behind without searching, just don’t get the 55mm Kowa.
What about the kowa 88
I didn't think the STS was comparable I thought it was better. At least with the 65mm objective.

I'd love a 80-100mm front objective.

A friend of mine in Australia is the rep for Swarovski/Kahles in Canberra. He agrees with me, he has both a personal ATS 65, and has a demo ATX 65 he uses as a sales piece.

The X series comes into it's own as a 85plus BTX.

I'll eventually sell it and buy a BTX or maybe a Kowa. I have zero experience with the Kowa of any size. I'd like to go someplace that has a ton of them and give them a workout.
I've looked thru the Kowa 99 Proiminar! And at approximately 40yds I was checking out the detail in the Yellow iris of a White Egret! And it still had more to go! I was on a bridge that crosses over the water in this wetlands reserve.. and even though the guy had a beefy legit tripod... being as we were upon that wooden bridge... you sure noticed it when somebody came walking by at those high powers!

I sure as heck would never want to hike-in one that big in a pack though.
The ATX series really shines in the bigger objectives, I got rid if my 65 pretty quickly and only use a 95 now. Yes its heavy, but it really is that good. I've ran the s series side by side multiple times, x wins in every glass quality and ergonomics test..