TC Impact Load Suggestions


Aug 3, 2020
Pittsburgh PA
Hello all. I have a TC Impact that was given to me over 10 years ago now that has never been fired. I finally have the time to mess around with it and I am looking for some suggestions on load development. This gun is going to be used for whitetail deer and black bear with shots mostly inside 100 yards. This is also going to be used in Pennsylvania, so there aren't any load restrictions to work around. Let me know what you guys are shooting! Thanks!


Aug 14, 2023
The first thing to be aware of is that they have the QLA muzzle. This is deep recess on the end of the barrel to make starting bullets easier. The problem is a lot, probably the majority of them are not perfectly concentric. Some bullets are more tolerant of this than others. Plastic sabots do not seem to care at all. Hollow based bullets varied, but the Hornady FPB worked really well in mine. Bore sized conicals seem to really hate this, and I mean so bad you can barely hit paper at 50 yards. It's possible you can get lucky, but there is a good chance you wont. If that's the case you can either choose to accept it, or you can remove the QLA muzzle. Cutting 1" of the barrel off, and recrowning will fix this, and they will then shoot anything well.

I'm going to assume you want to use it as-is. I found two loads that worked really well. My first choice was the 100 gr volume Blackhorn 209 and the 350gr Hornady FPB, along with the Federal 209A primer. I used that for a short while, even killed a buck with it. What ruined them for me was Hornady started having quality control issues with them. One pack the bullets would practically fall down the barrel, and then the next you really had to ram them down to fit. Hopefully they got that issue resolved by now, that was at least 5 years ago. The other load I liked was a Harvester crush rib sabot with a 255gr cast bullet and 80 gr BH 209 with a Federal 209A primer. The cast bullet was a Lee 452-252-swc sized .451".

Once I removed my QLA muzzle it shot pretty much anything at least acceptably, for sure good enough at 100 yards. It would then shoot the Hornady great plains bullet good, where it would not before. The last thing I loaded in that rifle was 120gr volume Fg blackpowder, 1/8" felt wad, TC Maxiball cast of pure lead bottom groove lubed with 50/50 beeswax and olive oil. Unfortunately the rifle has been in the safe now for a number of years. I should really take it out one day, it's a great rifle.


Aug 3, 2020
Pittsburgh PA
The first thing to be aware of is that they have the QLA muzzle. This is deep recess on the end of the barrel to make starting bullets easier. The problem is a lot, probably the majority of them are not perfectly concentric. Some bullets are more tolerant of this than others. Plastic sabots do not seem to care at all. Hollow based bullets varied, but the Hornady FPB worked really well in mine. Bore sized conicals seem to really hate this, and I mean so bad you can barely hit paper at 50 yards. It's possible you can get lucky, but there is a good chance you wont. If that's the case you can either choose to accept it, or you can remove the QLA muzzle. Cutting 1" of the barrel off, and recrowning will fix this, and they will then shoot anything well.

I'm going to assume you want to use it as-is. I found two loads that worked really well. My first choice was the 100 gr volume Blackhorn 209 and the 350gr Hornady FPB, along with the Federal 209A primer. I used that for a short while, even killed a buck with it. What ruined them for me was Hornady started having quality control issues with them. One pack the bullets would practically fall down the barrel, and then the next you really had to ram them down to fit. Hopefully they got that issue resolved by now, that was at least 5 years ago. The other load I liked was a Harvester crush rib sabot with a 255gr cast bullet and 80 gr BH 209 with a Federal 209A primer. The cast bullet was a Lee 452-252-swc sized .451".

Once I removed my QLA muzzle it shot pretty much anything at least acceptably, for sure good enough at 100 yards. It would then shoot the Hornady great plains bullet good, where it would not before. The last thing I loaded in that rifle was 120gr volume Fg blackpowder, 1/8" felt wad, TC Maxiball cast of pure lead bottom groove lubed with 50/50 beeswax and olive oil. Unfortunately the rifle has been in the safe now for a number of years. I should really take it out one day, it's a great rifle.
Thanks for the info, Novashooter. Appreciate the detail.


Aug 15, 2020
I shoot my TC Impact with 84 gr (weighed) Blackhorn 209 and either 200 grain shockwaves (deer) or .501” 300 gr Thors (CO elk) with Federal or CCI 209 primers.

My main comment is you should have a welding tip cleaner and a pin vise with a drill bit to keep the primer pocket and breach plug channel clean.

My Impact and my buddies have both been really accurate for the $250 guns they are.


Jan 4, 2015
I can get 1" groups at a 100 yards using 90 grs by volume of Blackhorn 209, Hornady 250gr XTP with a black Harvester crushed rib sabot. Federal 209A primers.


Aug 14, 2023
Thanks, all. Anyone try any loads with the powder pellets rather than loose powder?

No, but there isn't much to try. Put in 2 pellets and it either works or not. 3 pellets is safe, but almost never more accurate.


Aug 15, 2020
Thanks, all. Anyone try any loads with the powder pellets rather than loose powder?
I did like a decade ago and it was fine for minute of shooting eastern whitetails.

Once I hunted CO and loose powder was a requirement I switched to blackhorn 209 and never looked back. It’s cleaner and shoots faster. No one I know that actually develops develops loads for modern muzzleloaders uses anything but BH209.