Tag Drawing Strategy Questions


Apr 11, 2018
So I know the members of this forum have been asked this question before but I needed some clarification before I start building sheep, moose and mountain goat points since most of us take out 2nd mortgages applying in all the states we apply in. So a few years back around age 20 I started buying Elk, Deer and Antelope Preference and Bonus points in Wyoming and Montana and last year I started buying Antelope, deer and elk Preference And Bonus points in every state that sells them. Still trying to really figure out my mid and long term hunting tag strategy since I won’t even get to hunt my mid term tag goals for a few more years. This year I’m deciding to start applying in a few different states for either moose, mountain goat, and sheep. I decided on UTAH for all 3 once in a lifetime species because it’s so cheap but I’m still trying to research a couple other states to either start buying and building points for a moose, goat or sheep tags. Not willing to buy sheep, goat and moose points in every state that offers them it’s just to expensive. Which states would you recommend start applying for sheep, goat and moose. And whichever states you recommend what species are you applying for? Was thinking about skipping on the sheep and mountain goat points and just apply in ID and NM and just build moose points in a few states. Ive Already saved up some for an Alaskan moose and dall sheep hunt. And I also know that odds of actually drawing are against me and pretty rare but I consider myself a gambling man and like to play the odds. Thanks in advance for any and all knowledge on these elusive dream hunts. Hope we all get to experience one in our lifetime
Everything in Utah, AZ, and Nevada.

Idaho and New Mexico are probably your highest odds. Just point costs for OIL species in Wyoming, Montana, and Colorado will kill an application budget.

That said, look into the states that have some of these hunts that are random draw. (i.e. Colorado Desert Bighorns and Wyoming Rocky Mt Goats). No points for those.

I think you are behind the 8 ball in most of the points states when it comes to the big species (moose, sheep, goats). This doesn’t keep me from putting in for them in AZ, UT, and NV. Idaho and NM I haven’t got around to throwing my name in the hat for those particular species. I apply in NM for elk, deer and antelope every year because I can be in that state in under an hour.

For the rest of the states, the raffle tags almost have better odds than starting from zero right now.
I'm sitting on 15 or more points in every State that has a decent point program. Frankly, that isn't enough. Points really don't mean much in many of the States for nonresidents unless there is a preference for those with the most points (Wyoming for instance and some of the species in AZ) and there are enough nonresident tags offered to have a preference point draw. Most of the "Once in a lifetime draws" are going to be random therefor everyone in the draw can get drawn. If you are going to put in for points, plan on putting in for the draw unless you won't have the time or money is a clear deterrent.

As stated earlier, AZ, Utah and Nevada are States to look at. I'm hoping to draw a Desert Sheep in one of those States someday and maybe a Rocky in CO, MT or WY or one of the wildcard States such as ID. If you look at your odds, most of the high demand hunts are pure lotteries.

Figure out what your long term goals are and frankly plan on spending time and money. One option would be to move to one of these States where the residents may have better draw odds.

Also, go hunting. The last thing you want to do is to go on a "hunt of a lifetime" and not have any real mountain hunting experience. You need to learn what conditioning and mental toughness is about. When you are standing on the bottom of a mountain and look up and wonder why you are doing this and grind your way to the top, there is a sense of satisfaction that you don't get elsewhere.
I have 18 points and still sitting at less that 1% odds of drawing a moose tag....

For oils I'm saving my money and will just buy a hunt eventually
I'm sitting on 15 or more points in every State that has a decent point program. Frankly, that isn't enough. Points really don't mean much in many of the States for nonresidents unless there is a preference for those with the most points (Wyoming for instance and some of the species in AZ) and there are enough nonresident tags offered to have a preference point draw. Most of the "Once in a lifetime draws" are going to be random therefor everyone in the draw can get drawn. If you are going to put in for points, plan on putting in for the draw unless you won't have the time or money is a clear deterrent.

As stated earlier, AZ, Utah and Nevada are States to look at. I'm hoping to draw a Desert Sheep in one of those States someday and maybe a Rocky in CO, MT or WY or one of the wildcard States such as ID. If you look at your odds, most of the high demand hunts are pure lotteries.

Figure out what your long term goals are and frankly plan on spending time and money. One option would be to move to one of these States where the residents may have better draw odds.

Also, go hunting. The last thing you want to do is to go on a "hunt of a lifetime" and not have any real mountain hunting experience. You need to learn what conditioning and mental toughness is about. When you are standing on the bottom of a mountain and look up and wonder why you are doing this and grind your way to the top, there is a sense of satisfaction that you don't get elsewhere.
Thanks for all the tips. I’m going to need to do a lot more research. Out of all 3 species in Colorado which would you buy points for? I’m thinking moose draw odds for Rocky Mountain seem pretty nuts.
I haven't looked at the point structure for Colorado Sheep, Goat and moose lately. When they changed the application format, that made it effective for many more hunters to apply cheaper. The odds are going to change to the worse after the 3 years are up to be able to get into the draw. The people with more points are still going to have an individual advantage, but the shear number of applications will make it harder for anyone to draw. Just remember, someone is going to draw and if you aren't in, you don't have a chance.
....... Ive Already saved up some for an Alaskan moose and dall sheep hunt.....

I'm going to go against the grain and recommend, based on your age, you consider delayed gratification.

A dall sheep hunt by itself will run you $25K+ by the time you add everything up, flights ,gratuities, taxidermy, etc. On the Canadian dall sheep hunts you are looking at $30K+ by the time you get home and get the ram on the wall. Haven't even gotten to the moose yet...

Being conservative, if you were to put $25,000 into an S&P 500 index fund (average return of 12% annually) at age 25, and never contribute another cent to it, by age 45 you would have $272,313 just from that one $25K investment. By age 55 it will be $898,741. And by 60 it will be worth $1,632,740.

At your age, I would focus more on putting as much money as you can into investing for your future, so that when that time comes around, you will be planning hunting trips every year instead of wondering if you are ever going to be able to retire.

Go on OTC hunts or other relatively cheap draw hunts in the meantime. Put in for New Mexico and Idaho (all equal) sheep tags. Move to Alaska if need be and hunt Dalls for nothing.

But start saving and investing now....time and compound interest will make you a rich man if you will do your part.
Average of 12% huh, that will be a helluva stretch to pull that off! Too many fake illnesses on election years for that strategy to play out.