Looking to trade LNIB Swarovski STS-65 HD w/20-60 eyepiece and box. Purchased last year and registered, only used scouting from the truck. Just cannot get along with the straight eyepiece. PM me if there are any questions.
Sale price is $1950 TYD with PP.
Potential trades
EL 12x50
EL Range
ATS 65/80 HD
SLC 15x56
ATX or BTX eyepiece
Nightforce ATAC, NX8 or NXS
Sale price is $1950 TYD with PP.
Potential trades
EL 12x50
EL Range
ATS 65/80 HD
SLC 15x56
ATX or BTX eyepiece
Nightforce ATAC, NX8 or NXS
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