Swarovski NL Pure 10X vs 12X to complement a spotting scope?


Jul 4, 2023
Hey guys. Could really use some guidance and advice here.

I would be going on my first ever guided hunt in Arizona (that's where I live) and I currently own the Vortex HD 85mm spotting scope that I use for target shooting at the range. I recently also just bought the Razor HD 4000 GB rangefinder which I'm still learning to use.

I now need to choose my first pair of binoculars. I've decided that the investment in an excellent pair of Swaros is worthwhile for me *gulp* .. I know it's a heavy investment for a first binocular ever but I'm of the opinion of buy once cry once especially if I'm committed to the sport and love the outdoors in general. So I know I would ultimately use it a lot.

I'm leaning towards the 10x given the likely better low light clarity and wider FOV in the wide western country. Is that the right decision given that I might also bring my spotting scope along? or would you guys opt for the 12x NLs and leave the spotting scope at home?

My main hesitation with the 12x is that it's only 42mm and also might be a bit uncomfortable to view it handheld only. Would rather wait a few more years and ultimately buy a dedicated 15x with a big lense

Many thanks!
Oh man. That’s a wild take.

It sounds like you’ve done research enough to know what’s what, but this doesn’t sound like a buy once cry once. It’s a personal preference but you don’t have any experience. If you’ve got the resources buy both and try them side by side, then sell one.

I had the same conundrum with the swaro atx 65 vs 85. I bought both and swapped them back and forth.
What are you hunting? What will be your main focus in AZ to hunt? What all do you plan on hunting in AZ? Might be easier to answer the question if we knew these things.

If you are planning on quality 15’s in the future I’d buy 10’s now especially if Coues will be a big focus. I use my 10’s more often for more hunts than I do my 12’s. Just a better all around glass.
What are you hunting? What will be your main focus in AZ to hunt? What all do you plan on hunting in AZ? Might be easier to answer the question if we knew these things.

If you are planning on quality 15’s in the future I’d buy 10’s now especially if Coues will be a big focus. I use my 10’s more often for more hunts than I do my 12’s. Just a better all around glass.
It's gonna be a Coues hunt in November. I aspire to do more and perhaps Elk hunting but I don't want to get too far ahead of myself here. So realistically speaking, just whitetail for now.

I keep coming across some excellent takes on why the 12x42 are really unique and keep going back and forth between the two. ultimately I feel like either will be awesome technology..
12’s if you’re going to own just one, 10’s and 15’s if you want the best combo for Coues. I really like the 12’s but I go back and forth about selling them, the 10’s are here to stay. Elk hunt? I take the 10’s.
I started with 10x50 Vortex Diamondbacks and used those for many years in AZ hunting coues deer, mulies, and javelina. I upgraded in 2018 to Cabelas (Meopta) 15x55 binos and have used them in UT for mulies and AZ for bears, mulies, elk, and javelina. I find 15 power is great for general glassing but I struggle with the FOV. I almost wish I had three different optics: 15x for general glassing, a spotter for that long stuff, and 10x for a stalk.

In 2022, my 15x were fine for glassing but I had a black bear appear at 180 yards, multiple mulies at 1000yds+, and an elk at 250yds. I smoked the bear and elk. Could have used 10x for them. I stalked the mulies and lost them in the thick, dark timber in a sideways blizzard until a decent buck popped out at 100yds. 15x was too much.

If you have a decent spotter, 10x should be fine. 10x Swaros are next on my list.
I’ve only ran 12x for the last 7-8 years.

I was hesitant to switch from my 12x50 El’s to 12x42 NLs. I figured ifI didn’t like the 12x42s I could flip them. I sold the 12x50’s. Personally I can’t hardly tell there is a low light difference. Maybe my eyes are the limiter.

My son ran 10ELs and 15 SLC HDs. On a Mexico Coues hunt I made him try my 12x42’s for one day. He gave them back 3 days later and said he wanted to sell the 10’s and 15’s and by the 12NLs.

On our December Coues hunt last year we both ran 12x42’s and an ATX spotter on a dual mount. We had 15 SLC HDs with us and used them for about 1 hour out of the 9 days.

What part of AZ are you in. I’m in Flag and you could look through mine sometime.


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