Swaro SLC focus Knob.

Jan 21, 2018
I picked up a new pair of 10x42 SLC's last year (new model), and I have found that the focus knob is sticky and squeeks when even making small adjustments. I know that this is a somewhat known issue with these, and was wondering if anybody has sent them back to swaro and if they were able to resolve the issue? Thanks in advance.
I've never had mine squeak, and haven't seen any mention of squeaks in my searches. Read about guys having stiff or sticky ones but not squeaking. Give them a call, they'll go through them and fix anything that needs to be fixed.

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I sent an older slc 7x42 in. The focus became extremely light in one direction, and harder the other direction.
They greased the internals, and it is perfect now.
No charge, except I paid to ship to them.