Suppressor covers getting wet

I guess I can maybe see it on some of them that aren't cerakoted but anything that's coated, come on. It's not putting off enough shine to cause any issues. I can maybe see it for coyote hunting but even that's a stretch. But everyone has different concerns when out and about. I personally don't worry about mine getting scratched and/or dented. I could care less if it gets scratch and the chances of it getting dented are so incredibly small that it's not even on my radar. I'm not hard on my stuff but I don't baby it either. It's a tool and is treated as such.
It seems some people don't read many of the comments at all. Before commenting. I edited my first post to indicate that I don't care a bit about mirage when hunting. It's a 2:43, and I can shoot a few shots before mirage shows up. I'm really only concerned about smashing the thing in a Boulder field and maybe deadening the sound of branches hitting in when hunting through the woods. Not concerned about scratches
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Also, it's a scythe. It did not seem particularly shiny to me without the cover on. Certainly not any more shiny than my bead blasted stainless barrel.
personally if i was worried about damaging my expensive, difficult to replace suppressor, i'd leave it off when i'm traversing difficult and accident prone terrain. a cover isn't going to save the suppressor or the threads if you eat sheit hard. then if i was to worry about shifting POI from water or ice, i'm losing confidence in my gear. no bueno. we practice so we know the gear works and it's just us loose nuts behind the trigger screwing things up.

i bang my rifles and myself up. i'm confident at least my gear will hold up. i prefer to save my worry for "dammit i have an elk down and it's 5 miles back to my truck."
Just slide the cover off if it's wet or frozen before you shoot if your thay worried...I have had a cover on my can for 4 yrs...never given it any thought if it's wet or frozen..I just shoot, never had an issue.
I also leave my cover at home for a big game hunt.

Sucks zeroing and stuff without it but I choose not to use one because of water specifically.

Iv been asking a few companies for a light weight, waterproof exterior option and havnt gotten anywhere. I may have to use make one myself.
I shot a few groups with and without the suppressor cover, and the POI was minimal if any. I think it's mostly lost in the variation of my shooting ability. The thing only weighs about 3/4 Oz, so I wouldn't think it would cause much difference. I think I'm just going to be hunting without the cover this time around
Random alternate idea, if one prefers to have a cover while hunting (because ‘Murica and to each his own), what about a single layer of silicon rubber tape and a little electrical tape to keep it put. Would deaden sound of branches, prevent scratches, won’t absorb water, cheapish/disposable if you goober it up and it’s not heavy.
Just confirm zero with it on before hunt, don’t shoot it too hot (it will melt eventually).
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