Suggestions for 10X42 in the $1000 range

Might be able to score some used SLC HDs in that range. $1200 for sure. That would be the best by far

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I have seen SLC in that range, good stuff if you can find one. Prefer them over Vortex, of course. I just know they can be had under $1000 regularly.
I have ran the Zeiss conquest 10x42 for the past 7 years. Just recently upgraded to the SF. They SFs are nice but for 700ish the Zeiss Conquests are a no brainer. I like them better than the SLCs. They do great in low light and hold up to hard field use.
How are you going to use them? I have been loving the sig zulu6 12x42 for nearly all applications outside of tripod glassing where the good glass really shines. Saw some for $725 in the classified earlier today. Something to consider.

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