AK Troutbum
I was just wondering if there was anybody else in south-central Alaska that would like to go in on a SG group purchase? My main reasoning for putting this out there is not so much to get any special discounts, although that may be a possibility, but more so just to split the cost of shipping. The only thing I'm interested in purchasing is a new frame, I already have a couple bags and don't really see the need to buy more. I called SG yesterday to order a frame and it's going to cost me $50 in shipping to get it here. It's not so much that I can't afford an additional $50, it's just the fact that it pisses me off spending an extra $50 in shipping for an item that weighs just over 3 pounds. I'm not going to do it just on the principle of the matter, but I was also told that if I purchased more stuff even additional frames, the shipping charges would be the same.
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