I did note A LOT of "gook" (powder residue + lube, into a sludge) built up underneath and around the extractor's folded-over hook, if you will. Spent some time swabbing that out of there.
Eventually I'll need to break-down the firing pin assembly itself, in order to ensure there isn't any build-up in anything involved with that.
BUT... even without the slide on, actuating the trigger after resetting it directly, it's not actuating with anywhere near the "authority" it should have, no "Snap!" to it, in my estimation. And I'm thinking THAT is actually the problem.
So, eventually gonna go get it looked at, and in the meantime gonna probably purchase another P365 to carry.
So I can then use the other 1st one we've got, to carry around in it's place (since I've practiced with it and know it's trustworthy), until I know this G29 is fully sorted-out. And that way if I'm carrying the first one, if Mama wants to participate in a group hike overnighter with her "adventure squad" of girliefriends, she still has a P365 avail to bring with. Since I know she can operate that pistol fine.
(As an example, we tested, and she can't easily depress the cylinder release on the Ruger LCRx .357 my son asked for as his lightweight woods-carry sidearm, because of some double-jointed / arthritis finger-joint issues she presents with).