Draw back anchor close eyes open and see if level. Do that until naturally sits level.What do you do to determine you’re weights and angles? First time trying a back bar and I seem to be torquing the bow left, but when I take it off theres no torquing.
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Right or left handed?
If it's a hunting setup I imagine you need to offset the weight from your quiver. Adjust the mount so that the bar is out further from your bow.
For a hunting setup I can't recommend the Beestinger counterslide more. The compact size and adjustability is tough to beat. I mount it on my lower stabilizer mount to get the weight as low as possible. I prefer this because it will assist coming to level in uneven terrain and resists torque from your hand.
What I like to do is come to full draw, get on target and close my eyes. Hold it there for a little bit then open your eyes. First thing I look at is where the level is. Repeat till you get that dailed. Then repeat but focus on if you are low on target (remove weight on front or add back) or if high opposite.
Stabilization is the absolute best way to add confidence in a shot.