Well this year looks like I'm going solo. A friend I went with last year can't make it with his new job an finances. So I will be out Elk hunting my second time all by myself. Last year was the first year an it was incredible life changing hunting for me so I was pumped to get back out there having our chances last year but not closing the deal. I have to get out there again to bag one! I will be driving for bucks,PEnnslyvania. Most likely going to hunt the same wilderness area. Eagles nest wilderness,white river national forest along the piney river. Had a lot of action out there last year I kinda have the lay of the land down so hopefully can make it a successful DIY solo elk hunt. Gonna be my first real test solo hunting but I'm pumped to get at it. Been training an shooting plus have the new bow to seal the deal with(new breed) I kno what to have an not have this year from last years hunt an rain gear an a sturdy tent that doesn't leak is on my list this summer to test out. If any you guys have any pointers or tips for solo back country hunting let me know. Also gonna try an film myself out there still deciding on camera setups. Have the go pro an sony handy cam they might be good.. Thanks mike