Solo elk hunt this year!!!


Apr 16, 2014
Well this year looks like I'm going solo. A friend I went with last year can't make it with his new job an finances. So I will be out Elk hunting my second time all by myself. Last year was the first year an it was incredible life changing hunting for me so I was pumped to get back out there having our chances last year but not closing the deal. I have to get out there again to bag one! I will be driving for bucks,PEnnslyvania. Most likely going to hunt the same wilderness area. Eagles nest wilderness,white river national forest along the piney river. Had a lot of action out there last year I kinda have the lay of the land down so hopefully can make it a successful DIY solo elk hunt. Gonna be my first real test solo hunting but I'm pumped to get at it. Been training an shooting plus have the new bow to seal the deal with(new breed) I kno what to have an not have this year from last years hunt an rain gear an a sturdy tent that doesn't leak is on my list this summer to test out. If any you guys have any pointers or tips for solo back country hunting let me know. Also gonna try an film myself out there still deciding on camera setups. Have the go pro an sony handy cam they might be good.. Thanks mike


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Jan 20, 2013
Eastern Utah
Sounds like you got a handle on it Mike. I will advise you to plan about how you'll get him out when he is on the ground. That's no easy task when solo. Also some hunters have a hard time staying by themselves for extended amounts of time be mentally prepared for it
Jun 6, 2013
You've been there before. You know what to expect.

While I think investing in a good quality, light weight shelter would be a good idea, I lugged a pig of a tent for a long time. It just takes more heart in the mountains.

Rain gear would be a lower priority for me.

Breaking down an elk solo burns more energy. It surprised me. Even though my buddies and I pretty much take care of our own animals, "Hold this leg back for me." seems to make a bigger difference than I thought. Extra eyes are nice if you're in bear country. And solo means heavier loads and more trips. Make sure that you have a plan for when you have an elk hit the ground. Get that meat cool. Splurge on some extra meat bags so you can underfill them and have less mass layered between the ice in your cooler.

Make sure that someone knows where you are and has a schedule for you to contact them. If you have cell service in your hunt area, that can be as simple as texting "K" at certain times. Otherwise, look into getting a Spot Messenger or similar. I recently heard about a guy who took a bad misstep, dislocated his ankle and tore the ligaments. I thought about some of my 2 1/2-3 week solo canoe trips and cringed. Might be nice to know that the Calvary is coming and you don't have to crawl the whole way.

Lots of good guys here with more solo mountain time than me. I'm sure you'll get some more suggestions.

You'll have a great trip. Enjoy every minute. Good luck.
Apr 3, 2014
Littleton Co
I got my elk last year while on a solo hunt. i also second the mental aspects of going solo as far as loneliness. But ive done several solo hunts over the past 30 years while elk hunting it can be very rewarding but also very exhausting. I enjoy hunting with the buds but when im really wanting to get one on the ground for me solo is always better , its much easier to get in close for the kill and i tend to see more animals when im going solo.Be prepared for about 3 round trips to get your elk out from whatever distance your in. Make every minute count once the animal is on the ground to get the meat properly cooled down , as it will take much longer for 1 man to get your animal out.Good Luck will be rooting for you !


Mar 25, 2014
I've always wanted to try the extended solo hunt because (1) the adventure and (2) hunting is easier/more in your own control (obviously) when alone.

I wish you luck, should be a great trip.


Oct 8, 2014
I'll be in the same boat as you this year. One thing that I'll be doing is making sure I have an outfitter that has packout service available for the area. I'm not planning on using it however if you down something big on the last day or 2nd to last day may need some assistance on getting it out in order to make it back in time. (work)

I'll be probably due east of your area more than likely. Good luck! BTW may have missed it but did you pick up a tent already?
Feb 25, 2014
South Dakota
Have to agree on leaving the video at home. Will already be loaded down with gear the way it is. Concentrate on hunting. Snap some pictures if need be but a video is just one more thing to get in the way when it comes time to release an arrow. Each there own though. Good luck and hope it all comes together for ya!


Dec 2, 2014
Idaho, Tick Fever County
Take a game hoist or two. If a big animal falls in a stump hole under a windfall, it can be impossible to move them by yourself without some mechanical help. Or if you are trying to break them down on a steep slope.......................extra rope and a game hoist is a much needed partner.


Apr 16, 2014
Thanks for the help guys this is some good stuff. I've been preparing mentally and I'm driven to succeed because a lot of friends an family think I'm crazy for going out alone. They just don't know what it's like out there once I heard my first bugling bull I was Hooked!!! Some good points I have a bunch of game bags(8) large ones so I can spread the meat out more an let it cool while I pack out as much I can handle. My sleep system I am going with is the light heart gear solong 6. I need a big tent because if I didn't mention before I'm 6'8" tall 225lbs. I train year round but these next 3 months I really train on hills an legs to get use to the steep grades with a weighted pack. I know if I'm successful it's going to be hard to pack out solo but I'm up for the challenge an adventure it takes to get that delicious elk meat protein:) also I am not going to really film the entire hunt just basic stuff while taking in views, hike in , some wallows. Prob talk to the camera explain my hunt while I eat an get them calories back. Definitely like the suggestion on a check in type device gonna look into the spot locator because there is no cell reception where I will be hunting. Still have to get a few things to get an make my menu up but I know from last years trip when I usually get hungry an how much food to bring now. Has anyone used the wilderness athlete stuff? For recovery? I had a bunch of energy gels an high calorie foods last year but I'm thinking if I'm solo an do bag an elk I'm going to be burning up my calories going back an forth. Might look into a supplement drink that helps sustain energy.
Jan 2, 2013
Enjoy it mike! All my hunting here in Colorado is solo. It's a blast. I go out for up to 2 weeks at a time with a mid trip resupply if needed. I've only went the whole 2 week a few times, usually I can get my tag filled in the first 5-7 days.

To me, the keys are to use your sixth sense. If a path feels sketchy with just your pack, imagine adding 80lbs to it. I carry a spot unit, but you get cell phone coverage quite a bit. You probably know this, but there are a lot of dead cell spots in the depths of those drainages. That's where the spot unit can help.

One thing I would add that I haven't seen is to have your coolers packed with ice at the trailhead. Leave one empty but pack the other to the brim. Then cover it with any spare clothes/blankets you might have to help keep it cold. By yourself, you might have some epic 2 day packouts, I know I have. You'll want to get that meet on ice to cool as you go back for more meat. I freeze a bunch of small bottles of water to line the bottom of my coolers. That will help keep you meat out of the water. Each time you come back down, drain any melted water out.

Lastly, have fun!!! It's a blast testing yourself!


Feb 8, 2014
Tell your family not to worry. I hunted elk from 1954 to 1982 with my dad. From that point until now it's been solo. At 72 i'm still going solo.

You'll be fine.


Dec 22, 2014
New Jersey
Well this year looks like I'm going solo. A friend I went with last year can't make it with his new job an finances. So I will be out Elk hunting my second time all by myself. Last year was the first year an it was incredible life changing hunting for me so I was pumped to get back out there having our chances last year but not closing the deal. I have to get out there again to bag one! I will be driving for bucks,PEnnslyvania. Most likely going to hunt the same wilderness area. Eagles nest wilderness,white river national forest along the piney river. Had a lot of action out there last year I kinda have the lay of the land down so hopefully can make it a successful DIY solo elk hunt. Gonna be my first real test solo hunting but I'm pumped to get at it. Been training an shooting plus have the new bow to seal the deal with(new breed) I kno what to have an not have this year from last years hunt an rain gear an a sturdy tent that doesn't leak is on my list this summer to test out. If any you guys have any pointers or tips for solo back country hunting let me know. Also gonna try an film myself out there still deciding on camera setups. Have the go pro an sony handy cam they might be good.. Thanks mike

Went solo last year. Amazing how often people who are "dying to go elk hunting" bail out. I take a Delorme inreach with me... gives the wife some peace of mind. Piney river is great country... used to fish up there alot.
Sep 1, 2014
Temporarily off the radar!
I was in the eagles nest last year too from sept 9th til 19th. You should PM me maybe we could share some info??? Gonna be out there muzzleloading for cows with my dad and i have a rifle bear tag. Probably be out there roughly the same dates this year. Maybe if one of us is there before the other we can use anothers time to help whoever hunts later. Maybe ttys.


Apr 16, 2014
Enjoy it mike! All my hunting here in Colorado is solo. It's a blast. I go out for up to 2 weeks at a time with a mid trip resupply if needed. I've only went the whole 2 week a few times, usually I can get my tag filled in the first 5-7 days.

To me, the keys are to use your sixth sense. If a path feels sketchy with just your pack, imagine adding 80lbs to it. I carry a spot unit, but you get cell phone coverage quite a bit. You probably know this, but there are a lot of dead cell spots in the depths of those drainages. That's where the spot unit can help.

One thing I would add that I haven't seen is to have your coolers packed with ice at the trailhead. Leave one empty but pack the other to the brim. Then cover it with any spare clothes/blankets you might have to help keep it cold. By yourself, you might have some epic 2 day packouts, I know I have. You'll want to get that meet on ice to cool as you go back for more meat. I freeze a bunch of small bottles of water to line the bottom of my coolers. That will help keep you meat out of the water. Each time you come back down, drain any melted water out.

Lastly, have fun!!! It's a blast testing yourself!
Thanks man wow that's a long time I the woods 2 weeks u can really get to pattern the elk by then an figure them out that's awesome. Yeh I've been looking into the spot. Actually found the delmore inreach looks like a nice sat tracking system an they have month by month subscriptions instead of yearly. Yeh I was going to have a block of dry ice in the cooler at the trailhead then once I leave for home pack it with more ice then dry ice on top. Yeh man can't wait for this trip an test of my hunting skills to bag an elk has to happen this year !! Thanks for the encouragement
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Apr 16, 2014
Big mike first of all good luck but I have used both Mtn ops and wilderness athlete. I really like mtn ops also.

Thanks I'll have to give em a try just feel like drinking water all the time gets old. If I add some flavored powder with vitamins might help keep me energized an focus?


May 19, 2015
Lakewood, CO
Good luck to you Mike. I'm a first time elk hunter and will be hunting solo archery near that area. I'm planning two 5-7 day hunts. Physical preparation will include a lot of day hikes and scouting trips, plus weight training and cardio. I moved to CO from the Midwest in January and hope to be well acclimated by September. Problem is there is still a lot of snow in the high country. May was a big snow month in CO and the melt is just starting. I look forward to hearing about your hunt!
Jun 6, 2013
And leave a bunch of water and Gatorade or whatever in your truck too. Simple thing, but you're immensely more likely to be dehydrated than have to use a Spot or Inreach.

FWIW - If you're going to pay some weight penalty in your pack, I'd be inclined to pay it in your sleep system. Namely in your pad. You're not one of the 5'7" 140lb mountain leprechauns like one of my buddies. I doubt you'd get a good night's sleep on a pad like his. I think it's smaller than what my ten year old uses.

Make sure your sleep system allows you to recharge. Test it out before you go.