smoked whole duck


Apr 22, 2016
Kill duck with head shot.
pluck duck and clean inside.
squeeze 6 oranges into bowl
Add yoshidas 50/50 to oj
place duck in bowl
add a little water to cover duck completely
let brine for 24 hours minimum
fire up smoker to 350
pull duck out of brine
stuff cavity with onion, orange pieces and orange/strawberry jelly
sprinkle on fowl rub of choice
throw on smoker breast up
smoke till breast internal temp hits 130
mix a small amount of yoshidas and honey and brush on duck
close smoker and take the breast internal temp to 142
Pull duck and let rest for 15 minutes

slice and drizzle left over honey yoshida glaze over pieces
stupid good

hers without skin
mine with skin
mine is better

Thanks for sharing 92xj. That looks like some perfectly cooked duck. I did some mallards with a simple brine on my smoker and they were great. I'll give your recipe a try next time.
Thanks for sharing 92xj. That looks like some perfectly cooked duck. I did some mallards with a simple brine on my smoker and they were great. I'll give your recipe a try next time.

Perfectly cooked it was. I live with my thermapen on my side and use it in everything I cook. Good luck with your cook and post some pictures!
I cooked this tonight in my traeger and it was delicious. Great recipe. Added a little whitetail backstrap to the mix for good measure.

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