Sleeping bags


Feb 3, 2015
Hey guys, new to this site and to hiking.

I have been trying to put together all the basics to get started. Was down at the local rei and picked up a kelty cosmic 41 sleeping bag for a good deal, I get home and try it out. It turns out that apparently I'm not the typical sized hiker lol. Admittedly I am reasonably "out of shape." The bag fits everywhere except the shoulders. I looked around and they all seem to be the same size for the most part. Do you guys happen to know of any that may be a bit roomier? The kelty was a mummy style. I have the ol retangle coleman bag and it works but it is too heavy and takes up too much space.

Thanks in advance.
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Western Mountaineering Terralite--might vary which bag with temperature rating needed, but this rectangular WM style is very comfortable.
These get mixed reviews. Have you had much experience with them? I wanted to try one but had trouble finding a sample when they first came out
I've never owned one, just tried a few at the store. The ones I tried were pretty roomy, I could put my knees up to my chest and not feel too confined.
Western Mountaineering ! Even their skinny people models have more room than most and the temp ratings a true for comfort not a survival rating. The large mummy bags and the semi rectangular bags like the Terralite have plenty of room for all but the FON's among us. I'm 6'4" 260 lbs and there is plenty of extra room in my Kodiak.
I'm a hog and I've always fit my fat ass into Wiggy's bags with comfort. Good if you're hunting in soggy conditions as well.
WM bags are the bomb- couldn't be happier with mine. They have some wide cut bags for claustrophobic guys like me.
anybody have any experience with the newer Kifaru bags? I have one when they 1st came out and think it's 20-25 degrees off; I bought a regular 0F and at 5'9", 185lb, if you zip it up, it's like sleeping in a strait-jacket. I heard they fixed those issues and if, so I'd buy another. I'm leery of down in case it gets wet.